
I really don't want to actually sit through this movie but I have to know do they actually kill people off (especially any main characters) I mean, it's an animated feature that I'm assuming was made for kids

Also, does anyone realize that there was a spoof just like this made for Saturday Night Live back in '97/'98

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


No, nobody dies. I mean, the band and singer sort of disappear, but everybody lives really cheerfully considering the horrific event they just went through.


Then how is it the Titanic?

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


The last and first scene I only recall seeing 2 lifeboats. They mention the singer Molly dies and Angelica and her hubby adopt her two dogs and puppies at the end of the movie when they give us the updates of the survivors.


Ok, sure. I watched it in Turkish, and my Turkish isn't that great, so I was mainly trying to pick things up visually. So I missed some stuff. But what a ridiculous movie.


Molly? Is that a reference to Molly Brown? Because, isn't Molly Brown one of the few people who actually survived?

Were they trying to make it this inaccurate?

"Got it memorized?"
~Axel, Kingdom Hearts II


"Molly? Is that a reference to Molly Brown? Because, isn't Molly Brown one of the few people who actually survived?"

Sort of. She's actually more like a Celine Dion rip-off, dressed in more modern clothing and singing the "My Heart Will Go On" rip-off song. That's how she dies - she remains behind to sing with the band for no fathomable reason. There *is* a character with a Southern accent who seems to be visually based on Molly Brown (her name is Winnie) but she too dies, along with her quickly acquired love interest.

Everyone else in the main cast survives. Fritz and Flopsey were taken on by the detective to the police force, the detective gets Corynthia Meanstreak and her dog arrested and gets a medal for this, Kirk and Dirk marry Hortense and Bernice (much to Gertrude's irritation) and it is implied that they will be happy until Corynthia breaks out of jail and forces them back to work for her (Geoffrey's also with them). The mice, Hector the magpie, and most of the other assorted animals are given room and board by the chef as thanks for saving them and it is stated that Hector goes off onto "business trips" (to steal stuff, I guess). Gaston is employed by Mrs. Vanderplank doing various odd jobs including watching her children. Finally, William and Angelica get married and adopted Molly's Dalmations and are shown with Nanny, Victoria, and Victoria's kids.

Oh, and William Murdoch apparently lives also. >_<


haha i honestly thought you were just making up stuff off the top of your head when reading this

LiFe iSN'T LiKe THe MoVieS...


The video box actually says "child-friendly ending ensures that everybody is rescued and lives happily ever after!"



I thought the rapping dog died, but you saw a glimpse of his face at one point, although he's clearly not seen on the raft.

A fat woman and an older guy who are seen together also die I think, you see them hugging with smiles on their faces while the ship is sinking, what was that about?



... "rapping dog"...?

... What the hell were they ON!?

"What do ya got, some kinda... Spider-Sense or somethen?"
"Funny you should say that."


"I thought the rapping dog died, but you saw a glimpse of his face at one point, although he's clearly not seen on the raft."

During the epilogue sequence, it shows that he went to live with the detective. Nostalgia Critic only showed 2 epilogue shots, but there were several more, telling what else uninteresting happened to the rest of these uninteresting characters.


Who died:
The big boobed lady
The ship's band
The captain
The Mexican mouse band
The singing geese
The cats that played trumpet
The fat lady and the old man
The guy that was like "The necklace isn't hers dude"

Somehow the fat lady's dog survived though and lived with the police officer.

Team Great Gatsby
