DVD Release

Does anyone knows when will the dvd of non ti muovere be released on the market?


I read on Amazon that it would be availible in July although that seemed early to me and they have been wrong in the past. I cant wait to add it to the collection.



any body got any updates on releases? They are taking their sweet time.

This is one of my favourite movies, possibly ever. I saw it twice at the cinema in a space of 4 days. I was captured by it, and I can't wait to watch it again (on dvd) but it looks like i'll be waiting a while, sigh.



The DVD is available in Italy if you can play R2 PAL DVDs. It has english subtitles and has a 2nd disc of features (non-subtitled).


I also saw the film within 4 days. The first time, it broke down at the cinema in the middle of the film by which time I was captivated. We then got free tickets to see it the following week which I did. I was mesmerised by the soundtrack and I still see no release date for either the DVD/VHS or the soundtrack. Anyone have any updated news please?


looked on Amazon "Release date: September 19, 2005" HARRAH. atleast thats for UK, i'm guessing that will be the same if not simmilar international release.

can't wait to watch this movie again!


It's not out in the States yet. I really am looking forward to seeing this movie.


Videoflicks.com in Canada as
Don't Move.


I wrote to Northern Arts Entertainment, the US distributor, and they said they have tentative plans to release the US DVD in April 2006.



netflix has its release date as july 18th
