The name Italia

Why do you think they chose exactly this name? Is it something like a symbol? What has it to say to us?
I like her name, after a country... I think it is not a common name for a person, right?
I want to name my daughter one day like this, but I am not sure, because Italia dies...



As i think now, you are sbsolutelly right! I didn't think about it earlier. Anyway, it still sounds good to me.



France is weird, to put it mildly, but how about Paris (don't imagine Hilton;) or Venezia (Venice)


My brother Frank's real name is Francis.

Just sayin'.



Don't think it was meant to signify anything, Italia is an Italian female name


Well...we have that "ugly" girl whose name is AMERICA! At least Italia sounds beautiful.


I think it's supposed to be ironic; she is a second generation Albanian imigrant whose family moved to Italy for a better life, which she hasn't acheived, her name and her life is perhaps symbollic of all the ills of Italian society.


Nicholas Cage's grandmother is named Italia Coppola. I've a feeling Talia Shire--real name Talia Coppola) was also named Italia at birth.

A late friend of ours in Italy was called Italo (the male equivalent of Italia). My mother-in-law was named Albania (or Alba for short) by her patriotic father after the Italian victory over Albania in WWII which occurred just before her birth.


IMDB say of Talia Shire:

Birth name: Talia Rose Coppola
Daughter of composer Carmine Coppola and Italia Coppola.

Looks like the mother did not want to give her the same name as her own.
