This movie....

ok.. first of all, i thought this movie must have been released in late 90s. im still surprised it was released in 2004!

and when it started and when the doc first rapes italia, i was like 'she resembles cruz alot'... of course i like her but havent seen many movies.

after a little while, i was 100% sure it was her, anyway, i watched the whole movie reading subtitles and the most saddest part was when she dies......... its all because of tim....... i hate him.......

i know its just a movie but i guess i got too involved. i bet there are thousands of girls like italia in this world.

this was one great movie, although cant really say i didnt move away frm the TV for a few mins but still a nice movie.

im still sad......... the way she dies!


I felt exactly like you, when Italia died i just sarted bawling, which to be honest suprised the sh*t out of me, as the last time I cried watching a film was when I was 7 and saw Bambi, lol. I couldnt help but blame Timoteos character and all I could think was its all his fault. I absolutely loved this film.


omg italia died. i didn't get to see the end of the movie but why did she die?


She died because there is no other way this movie can end, so to show us the character of Timoteo.
He just wasn't strong enough as man and responsible for his actions and for his love for her. Her death was his "punishment", his lesson of Life.


i guess these people just gave the ending away for you then. i usually think it's no use to put a "spoiler" thing up couse i figure you usually check the board afterwards seeing the movie.

doomed and it's a terrible feel,
i know it's best not to try for victory,
everything goes against my way,
when i wake up in the morning,
i know it's downhill until i fall asleep again,
i do best in staying away, prevents from more misery,
i'm doomed, and it's a terrible feel.


it takes place in the 90s...or late 80s....
the accident we must assume took place in 2004, 2003 so the affair started 15 years before. bringin us to 1988, 1989...


I love movies of every genre and i love foreign movies especially ITALIAN but i have to tell you that this one was the most pretentious piece of crap that I've ever had the misfortune to watch.Yikes.


i wouldn't call it pretentious myself. i thought of it as a classic (or rather i should say typical) italian melodrama.
i liked it a lot. the story was good and penelope cruz was great in this. she shocked me, i never knew she had it in her.



Penelope is one hell of an actress! I love her, especially her spanish movies. The Hollywood actors should take a page or two from her acting capabilities. I think she potrayed a no-flaw acting in this movie. She took a grip on the movie from the moment she appeared. The story is wonderful. What baffles me is she didn't get an Oscar nomination for this movie and Charlize Theron manage to walk with that kinda performance? She is no match to Penelope.
Whatever, Don't Move left me unmoved for two hours and I am happy to watch this movie. Though the sudden sequence of Penelope's death left me speechless! It's a Man vs Woman and Woman vs Woman movie, how awesome!
