Unpatriotic tripe

Why oh why did this movie get made? We are here today in an eternal struggle for our values and for civilization. Our men and women are fighting our nation's battle, lo, God's battle for the future.

And along comes this film. On the surface this seems to be a simple (incredibly simplistic) film about life and love and what is lost along the way.

However, lets looks a little deeper. What is destroyed in this film and what is exalted?

Destoryed? Baseball. The beloved national pastime is shown as part of a glorious past, something that is being held onto for too long and has caused untold harm to the world of the characters. Baseball is now something that can no long be had, no longer be enjoyed by the innocent character. Just like our nation's morale is underminded by films like this and our optimism as a people is mocked so to are the baseball dreams of the character here.

Exalted? Writing. An easily seen stand-in for the liberal media is the character's pursuit of a writing career. He is smug and cocksure that what he is doing is right way. Everything comes easy to this man, he is able to get published with nary an effort. This is an attempt to show the inevitable triumph of liberalism and the secularist, homosexual agenda - see just as things come easy to this liberal things will come easy to our country if we cast aside our past treasures (read baseball) and embrace this absurd perspective. Much like this charcter liberalism does not offer anything concrete, it advances the idea of "if it feels good do it", exactly like this character.

Now maybe some folks won't see this all as clearly as I do. What I think renders my perspective unassailable is shown by the character of Rumsfield.
Unquestionably this is a thinly disguised cover for Donald Rumsfeld. Our departed Sec Def was a constant champion for the American way and American values, someone who should be cherished. Here, however, the Rumsfield woman is no longer desired by the liberal character. The true American values are again trampled on and rejected and offered up as needing to be replaced.

The rejection of Rumsfield is a clear rejection of not only America but also the entire Judeo-Christian that has given us our wonderful nation and our wonderful relationship with God.

PLEASE, avoid this film. Do not allow it to continue to undermine our effort against the most dangerous enemy. I will stand up for what is good and wholesome in this nation, I will stand up for hetrosexual sex, I will stand up for baseball, I will stand up for tradition.

I hope those of you out there will support me. Thank you.


Thats the craziest thing that I think I've ever seen written...hahaha. You, sir or ma'am, are a lunatic.


No bofo, I am with you on this!


Thank you, my friend, I pray your continued support.
