MovieChat Forums > 007: Nightfire (2003) Discussion > How do you subdue an enemy?

How do you subdue an enemy?

I checked the manuel for the gamecube game on how to subdue an enemy and it said we had to stun them with the car keys, when I do this to an enemy until it works no more, my score sheet doesn't say I subdued him. Also when the game says I got a special feature like assassination for multiplayer, I still can't play it. Is something wrong with my game of something? Please help.


i think you have to punch them but i'm not sure.


Crouch, and sneak up behind an enemy with a gun. They will drop their weapon and surrender. Equip your fists, and punch him in the face.

I did this three times on The Exchange:

1/ The first guard, in front of the building you start on. You're facing a sniper-guarded archway when you start. Crouch, and sneak down the stairs. The guard will be in front of the door.

(It's best if you put your silencer on your P77/P2K when you start, because if you fire and it isn't supressed, the sound will alert nearby guards.)

2/ The guard patrolling the road past the sniper-guarded archway. When he turns around to face away from the arch, sneak up behind him.

3/ The guard in front of the wine truck. When he turns his back to head down to the wine cellar, then aim at him, whilst crouching behind him.



Also, in Night Shift, run over to a guard and punch him. this kills him (the body disappears) but it is unregistered, so you won't fail the mission.



Basically up hold them, stun them with keys and punch 'em? okilly dokilly.
