MovieChat Forums > Charly (2002) Discussion > Miscellaneous Thoughts

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Cynics will disagree, but for someone like me (who cries at most episodes of Star Trek Voyager) it IS a moving story - though to some extent it rips-off "Shadowlands" (a far greater movie - partly because it's a true story and partly because Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger are way ahead of anyone in this picture).

LDS is not particularly prominent in the movie. In fact, I don't think the work "Mormon" is mentioned even once - it's more conspicuous by its absence. Apart from the baptism (which not many non-Mormons would recognize as being specifically LDS) only two scenes spring to mind: The first is where Sam takes Charly to church, and we glimpse two beautifully turned-out young women with suitably blurred name-badges welcoming people into the building. The second is when we see "Study Guide 1" together with what looks suspiciously like the "Book of Mormon" on Charly's nightstand. People unacquainted with the LDS church would not read anything into these, and assume that what Charly is converted to is just regular (most likely protestant) Christianity - though they might of course be reminded of the movie when they encounter Mormonism in real life.

However, I can't agree with the other extreme view: namely that the movie is aimed PURELY at LDS members. If this was true, I feel sure there would have been a Temple marriage ceremony in the movie - or at least some mention of it. I *know* how important that is to LDS people: I remember many years ago sitting at the back of an LDS chapel, listening to a young girl on-stage blubbing and sobbing as she told about her and her fiance's upcoming trip to the London temple. The tagline "Real Love Stories have No Ending" and even the closing "Not The End" imply that's what Charly and Sam's marriage was about. And we see and and hear nothing at all of any temple ceremony. In fact, we don't even see Charly receiving her Endowment, but of course I'm no expert on LDS rites: Perhaps someone in Charly's would not have been considered ready for these ordinances, and they would eventually have been performed on her behalf after her death. (Maybe there's someone reading this who's more learned in LDS tradition who could answer this.)

P.S. I don't think it's any answer to say that Endowment and Celestial Marriage are closed ceremonies. I don't imagine that LDS authorities allow film-crews into temples, but I *do* think that in real life the fact of *going* to the temple would be spoken of. The fact that it isn't suggests a tip-toeing around certain aspects of Mormonism for the benefit of non-Mormons.

P.P.S. Another thought - I've only ever seen this movie on British TV, so maybe it was Bowdlerised for UK audiences. Does anyone remember more LDS-references in the version *they* saw?

P.P.P.S. Just looked at some clips on UTUBE. Previous theory correct. Definitely LDS-bits in there I don't remember seeing on TV.


In response to your last few items, the UK TV version you saw must have been edited to appear non-denominational, which isn't a terrible thing - But I think some of the most touching moments in the film happen to be laced with LDS innuendos. The Salt Lake Temple as the backdrop in the dinner scene. The scene on the Lake, where Charly first admits that she "believes" Sam, she also softly declares that she has read "the book of mormon", and has been praying, and feels that "someone is listening". And of course their Temple Marriage - They are shown on the grounds of the Salt Lake Temple (appears to be shortly after their ceremony), as they share first kiss as husband and wife - very touching.
Mormon's hold a temple ceremony in very sacred regard, and out of respect, wouldn't even film a movie set version of a temple ceremony - (let alone the real thing) . . . besides, the ceremonies are very simple, nothing cinematically special about them . . . The most special thing about them is the "feelings" you feel when you are in them, and that's not anything that can be captured on film anyway . . . They did however strive to portray elements of those feelings throughout the movie . . . even "the kiss" outside the Temple showed to me the commitment to their love, and to a "very very long-term relationship" . . . Charly Somehow "knowing", that even though death would come, they would not be permanently separated . . . In a way . . . the movie could easily be seen as "revolving" around the temple - even though the physical interior of one is never shown . . . This is a very special movie for me, specifically for the beliefs that I hold, and the hope that I have in one day sharing a Temple marriage with the one I love. "Death is not the End", a very memorable line given by the heroine, is the central message of the temple, and a keystone of my life!



Charly does say that she read the Book of Mormon,that's pretty straightforward
