MovieChat Forums > Charly (2002) Discussion > wow, crap...with propaganda

wow, crap...with propaganda didn't start off to bad.
i got to the scene where she gets baptized and just couldnt take it anymore.
biggest nonsense i have ever seen



I guess you have to be LDS to get it. I thought it was a wonderful, amazing movie, with great values. It wasn't meant to convert anyone. It was directed straight to LDS people.


This is not really a very good film since it basically is just a poor rip-off of "Love Story" with a charcter that is similar in being obnoxious. Plagiarism is not very attractive. Instead of immediately insulting the lead guy by calling him "preppie" she uses some other insulting term which mercifully I have forgotten. This is an over-the-top soap opera.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...



You just can't stop talking crap about this WONDERFUL movie, ei? Do something better, dude. Stop hating. Ugh.


You just can't stop talking crap about this WONDERFUL movie, ei? Do something better, dude. Stop hating. Ugh.
This film came up in a conversation with a cousin today. Quite frankly I had not thought about it in years, which is fortunate, and I just came here to see if anyone else thought as I did about it. I loaned my DVD copy to a co-worker about the time I last posted here or thought about the film. I did not remember that I had posted. He kept saying that his wife wanted to keep it to watch again. I told him just to have the copy, as I would not be watching it again.

I can't see where I posted any hate, except not to like this poor film which you obviously admire way past what it merits. I think I was being kind in my comments. I still hate plagiarism. I think Erich Segal would have sued if this had been worth his time, it is that close a rip-off. "Love Story" is no great shakes, but this cloying rip-off is really poor in comparison.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Plus, it's in the category of melodrama romance. Lot's of people are not going to like that so they shouldn't be surprised. Like "Love Story", it's a weepy.

The structure of any love story shows the couple crossing thresholds as their love deepens, or they commit to each other, or take bigger risks, whatever depending on the love story.

In this love story, the baptism scene works as a crossing of a threshold where Charly changes her life and their love takes on a new significance.

I notice that LDS viewers comments show they appreciate the baptism and register it as a natural threshold crossing.

Non-LDS viewers comments show some people don't mind the scene because they recognize its place in the structure of love stories.

Other non-LDS viewers seem to resent the scene, calling it propaganda and feeling manipulated. This may have to do with pre-formed ideas about Mormons.

Or it may just be they didn't realize weepy melodrama romances are nothing if not manipulative.


heidih_123: I guess you have to be LDS to get it....It was directed straight to LDS people.

I totally disagree. I love this movie, and am not (and never have been) LDS.


I think that you dont have to be LDS to love this movie, but that was the intended target audience.
