Redneck jokes

I'am a fan of Jeff Foxworthy and those You might be a red neck jokes tickle my funnybone, Here are some that I thought of at work. Hope they are funny


1) Auto Zone is where you go to take your driving test

2) Your Ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend serial number has nothing to do with your older brother licean plate number.

3) You watched Pichcino every day after school because you think Jimmy Cricket is the anty Drug

4) Your idia of a low budget porno movie is hidden cameras in the changing rooms at the local JC Pennie

5) You cried the day your son picked out his first Trackter the same day he got his driver liciens

6) You brought all of your hair products at Grease Monkey because the sighn saids we sell the best grease products

7) Your High school band did their first half time show at the Monster Truck rally

8) 2 of mans best friends are Raindeer and a beer kag

9) My tracker is sexy is your wedding song


4, 7, and 9 were just flat-out hilarious! Nothing wrong with the others, those are just the ones that really caught me.

Future game-designer or cartoonist...



You might be a redneck if your idea of comedy isn't funny.


You Might Be A Redneck If:

1.) You flush the toilet and the dog thinks you're giving him fresh water.
2.) Your front yard is on more than one prayer list.
3.) Your living room sofa came out of a Chevrolet.
4.) You have a bug light inside your house.
5.) You removed your bathroom door so you could watch TV from the commode.
6.) Your best china traces the career of Loretta Lynn.
7.) Your security system is the latch on your screen door.
8.) You've unstopped a sink with a shotgun.
9.) A tree falls through your roof and you decide to leave it.
10.) The Orkin man tells you, "Give up! You've lost."
11.) Your daughter's Barbie Dream House has a clothesline in the front yard.
12.) Your outdoor light used to be in a mall parking lot.
13.) You get new yard furniture every time the creek floods.
14.) Youreceived rattraps as a wedding present.
15.) Your house doesn't have curtains but your truck does.
16.) You think people with grass in their yards are uppity.
17.) Your coffee table is also a cooler.
18.) Your answering machine message begins, "If your calling about the free puppies..."
19.) You refer to your beer gut as "the old tool shed".
20.) Your landmower says, "Moo."
21.) You've ever inherited a toilet plunger.
22.) Nothing in your refridgerator was bought at a store.
23.) You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean.
24.) Your toenail clippers say Craftsman on the side.
25.) You've ever made a Christmas wreath out of a tire.
26.) You think millennium is what goes on your mama's kitchen floor.
27.) You've stolen turf from a golf course.
28.) You can tell your car is low on oil by looking at the garage floor.
29.) You dye your hair and clean your floors with the same stuff.
30.) Your shotgun sees more action than your lawn mower.
31.) You spray-painted your dead shrubbery green.

Larry the Cable Guy's signature is "Git-R-Done!". Mine is "Ike!", or "Hike!".


20.) Your landmower says, "Moo."

good god, just about pissed myself laughing at that one. rest were okay but that jumped out at me


If you want a whole lot of redneck jokes like that one, check out the book by Jeff Foxworthy called, "Redneck Extreme Mobile Home Makeover". That's where I got most of those jokes that I posted. I found that book in Sam's. Try their

Larry the Cable Guy's signature is. "Git-R-Done!". Mine is "Ike!", or "Hike!".


If you try to make redneck jokes and only succeed in proving that you don't know how to spell, you might be a redneck.


Ok, This one from one of the rare limey's whos heard of this...and loved it.

You may be a redneck if your parents were related BEFORE they were married.



YMBAR, If your kid's idea of a hotwheel is an old tire lying in your backyard in a sunny day.


