
Well delusional Haley is back and still seems very out there!
I just can't figure out if it is for attention and trying to get her disability or if she is truly mentally ill.
And I really feel like her mom isn't as together as she wants to portray. Glad Dr. Phil called the mom out for not being grateful. She was actually complaining about
her daughters FREE treatment! Are you kidding me?!?
I see a lot of parents of kids with mental problems and addictions and many want someone else to take over and deal with it. I know it has to be so frustrating, but it shouldn't be everyone else's responsiblity.
My aunt was guilty of this with my drug addict cousin and it drove me nuts! And my aunt was a big part of the problem. But then didn't wanna deal with what she had created,but wanted everyone else to take over. That isn't how it works.
At least it seems that Haley's sister has a good head on her shoulders.
Haley and the mom seem very toxic together!!


I just posted the same in another thread. I am also not so sure she is really that sick. We know she has problems acting the way she does but does she really believe some of the things she is saying?
