Got to be the STUPIDEST move

God I don't know where to begin. I think what bothered me the most about this move was the obvious "nerdy white guy" stereotyping. The side kick is a good example. Or how about the guy at the restaurant? Well obviously white guys are spazzy, weak, stupid, annoying, cowards... SHEESH. Oh but it gets better... What really boils my...blood...was the side kick guy scene in the car when he is trying to act 'gangsta'. Are you kidding me? And than of course it reinforces what I said above when they look at him like he is an idiot (which he is). I could rant all day about how morally wrong/unfair/racist this movie is but lets move on, shall we?

Next up to the plate is the HORRIBLE physics/effects in this move. He drives the most maneuverable tank I've ever seen on that aircraft carrier (Wait why is there a tank on a carrier anyways? This movie sucks). Or how about the car driving onto the train tracks at what 160mph and than somehow stays on and drives fine? Lucky man, eh?

IceCube must be the superman reincarnate. I mean he jumps off the deck of a bridge (I would say at least 100+ feet) and swims away fine! Everyone else seems to only have minor gun experience because he is never hit. I couldn't take him seriously at all. This tough guy 'gangsta' (or however you say it) attitude is layed on so thick you can cut it with a butter knife. But at the same time its so transparent its laughable.

Just the story line itself felt so... 'Stock'. 0 originality. And generally felt like it was written by a 12 year old. Most of the time it seemed to make no sense. How about the prison? OK a prisoner is running around on the roof. Non lethal rounds anyone? Still not convinced? OK, well how about jumping a boat off a ramp and landing on a police car perfectly leaving the police officers stunned and seemingly helpless. No backup? Of course not!

Maybe I missed the part of the movie where the secret service doesn't exist and he is able to walk out with the president at gunpoint. I don't know, I was laughing too hard at the tank bit so I missed it.

Anyways all in all I give it a -3 out of 10 stars. Worse than American Ninja, Johnny English, Epic Movie, National Security, Pooty Tang, and Queen Latifah's Taxi combined. Anyone who watched this all the way though and wasn't nearly hospitalized/institutionalized you are lucky.



Agreed, this movie is stupid.


Watch this movie drunk, it's much better. It was filming on a TV screen in a bar when I first saw it and all I knew was that there was a guy driving a TANK in an AIRCRAFT CARRIER. But the more I watched, the more sober I became and the movie became progressively stupider before I realised I just finished watching XXX 2.


Not only drove a tank on an aircraft carrier but dodges a shoulder launched anti-tank weapon fired from 50'away. And then cocky from that near miss proceeds to also dodge a round from another tank fired from 30' away and doesn't bother to dodge it until AFTER the shell is fired.

Tank Girl was more believable and a better movie than this piece of kak. Sheesh!


Who gives a sh*t if it`s believable? It`s an action movie.. ♦


The cake is a lie....


Not to mention (and please correct me if I'm wrong because I probably am) but the tanks shells used in the film aren't even the right kind and wouldn't create that sort of explosion.

Also, the car on the railroad track threw the last sliver of credibility to this already overblown movie to the wind.

Obama/Biden '08


Come on even Hitman a movie based on a videogame is a lot more enjoyable than this heap of garbage.!

never underestimate the power of the mind


Ummm Hitman was a Badass movie, THIS IS AN ACTION MOVIE, not a based on a true story kind of movie. GOD. GO WATCH FIREPROOF OR SOME OTHER TRUE STROY MOVIE! First movie was great and soo is this one. was the first one realistic? ABSOLUTELY NOT! GET OVER IT


Spare me your delusional protest, Hell I enjoyed Hitman compared to this I'll say that but you can't convince me this was good in any way, the first one had a theme trying to make a next generation rock-esque spy movie I buy it, this didn't cut it case closed!

never underestimate the power of the mind


The only thing hitman has in common with the games is that the protagonists have the same name.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


It's called suspension of disbelief, this movie has none, and yes action movies need them too. The only form of movie that doesn't require it is Porn.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


It would have been better if Xzibit was cast as XXX. Not only is it in his name, but he pulls off the attitude and look far better than Ice.


I really wasn't expecting much when I got this out at the library, but honestly!

This film was so bad, if it was a race horse, they'd have put the screens around it and got the rifle out. I'm not saying that the first film was Citizen Kane, but it had something going for it. It was something a little bit different, the lead actor brought some sort of charisma to it. It wasn't a waste of two hours.

This was. A lead actor who couldn't act to save his life, and resorted to grimacing his way through the film, a risible storyline, and the worst CGI since Brosnan was meant to be surfing in the Arctic (coincidentally another Tamahori film) allied with some tired old ghetto nonsense and stereotypes resulted in a film that shouldn't even have been straight-to-video, but instead "straight-in-the-bin".

Awful, awful, AWFUL!


What about the CHEESE truck scene? HAHAHA. God Bless America!!!

Ya gotta give it some stars just for that one! :%)


I'm just wondering: Why was Willem Dafoe in this?



"Got to be the STUPIDEST movie"

Please, you're being WAY too kind.

Seriously though it's not the absolute worst film I have ever seem, but it ranks up there on my list alongside Wolverine Origins, Spider-Man 3, Fantastic Four (all of them), Elektra, Punisher, Ghost Rider, National Treasure 2, Taken 1 & Taken 2 the Tookening, and Battlefield Earth.


they'll never admit it, but this film is an almost direct remake of Seven Days In May, a great '60s movie directed by John Frankenheimer, starring some real heavyweights.

This movie has all kinds of ridiculous physics (a zodiac boat can go fast enough to jump 2-3 stories?), but it was so stupid it was fun. I mean, c'mon, there are flying robot sentry thingees! After that's established (First Scene!) who can nitpick what comes after? The reason there was a tank on the boat: they were using the boat to transport the rebel troops & all their gear into Washington. The "reason" there was no Secret Service was because the SecDef (aka The Traitor) had taken over the security for that night (implausible, but makes sense, in context).

And, i have to agree with the above poster who liked Xibit more than Ice. He was obviously so psyched to be in the film, and more pumped, too. I like that Ice had an excuse to be fat (he'd been in prison, eating bad food, with only one hour of exercise), but still. C'mon, Cube can't even fight believably (and the direction/editing didn't help him much).

But this movie is SO STUPID (see above) it's a lot of fun. If the first XXX movie had its self-awareness (Cheese Truck!), it might be more re-watchable.

If they make XXX3, they gotta get Scott Adkins, or Wesley Snipes (comback tour!).
