Non-indian audience?

my mom asked me to watch this movie telling me it was great. I noticed that the imdb rating is 7.9, but i wonder how many people enjoyed this movie who are of american descent.


I am not American, but European. Last night the movie was shown on German television, and I was so impressed with it that I had to look it up right away.

Some of the specifically Indian content (e.g. the caste system) I could see in the light of systems of social differentiation I know. And, having known quite a few Indians when living abroad, I was totally charmed when I recognized specific communication styles, e.g. the long and very polite explanations total strangers may give for all kinds of things.

But most of all, this was excellent acting and a very thoughtful and touching storyline. Not to mention that the topic of racially and religiously motivated violence unfortunately gets to be more and more pertinent all the time...


I'm American, and I loved this movie. I can't presume to fully understand Indian culture, but with or without this understanding, it was a beautifully made film, with a touching love story and excellent acting.


I absolutely love this movie, and I live in the United States. Very educational and entertaining, the best of both worlds.


Considering how much of the film is in English rather than Hindi it made me wonder who the target audience was - Certainly not the Indian majority for whom bollywood normally caters.

Awesome film though! :)


I am Indian. English and Hindi both serve as connecting languages in India. If you get on a bus or train in India, I can tell you that it's absolutely normal to hear English, Hindi and other regional languages spoken just the way it has been shown in the movie. Usually the Indians from the South speak one South Indian language and English. People from the North, West and East speak their mother tongue and English and / or Hindi. This movie is certainly not targeted at foreign audiences. You will hear plenty of English and Hindi in most regional movies in India, and Bollywood movies use English words too - it's just the way normal life is in india. The degree to which this is done will depend on the milieu and the circumstances in the movie and in real life. I can understand that it might freak people out if they are not familiar with India and its multicultural realities, but so far in this movie, (I'm in the middle of watching it now) - I have already heard Tamil, Hindi, Bengali and English, and at no point have I felt that it is anything unusual.


Considering how much of the film is in English rather than Hindi it made me wonder who the target audience was - Certainly not the Indian majority for whom bollywood normally caters.
No, no, no lol.

Most Indians don't speak Hindi as a native language and most don't watch "Bollywood" movies. "Bollywood" is just the mainstream Hindi-language movie industry that caters to the Hindi-speaking states in the north. Other states have their own languages, cultures and movie industries.

All educated people in India are able to speak English. It's a required subject there and in most parts of the world. The characters in the movie speak English with each other because they don't speak each other's languages. Raja's native language was Bengali and Mrs. Iyer's was Tamil.


I'm from Holland, and I absolutely love this movie!
Really, a masterpiece


I am American & I loved this movie, too. Many people I know don't like foreign films (perhaps reading subtitles is too much effort) or even older black & white Hollywood films, which is also unfortunate.

I wish this movie had been nominated for an Foreign Language Academy Award as it would have generated more American interest in this lovely, subtle film. I'm going to buy a copy & am interested in seeing more movies directed by Aparna Sen like 15 Park Avenue.


I am Australian and I loved this movie. The strong emotions the 2 lead characters came to feel for each other was so brilliantly acted and I was deeply moved. I am fascinated by all things Indian and this was a real insight into 2 very different cultural views within India. Rahul Bose is gorgeous too btw!




I'm American, non-Desi and I liked this film. I appreciated when the subtitles shed some cultural understanding on certain scenes, like when he puts his lips on her water bottle to take a drink and she's appalled.


I'm European, and I ABSOLUTELY loved the movie.


I am an American married to an Indian. His Aunt said that we should watch this movie. I totally loved it. I thought the bus scenes were very realistic, very much like Indians that I know. I have stayed in India several times and found this movie to be realistic, moving, and inspiring. I wish their were more movies like this, not just Indian movies, but all movies.


I know you asked this question 2 years ago, but I saw the movie only now. I am American and I loved this film. Incredibly powerful.
