New Selleck Western??

Hey guys,
I heard several years ago Tom said he had another western in production with TNT, and he is supposed to play a gunfighter in this one. Then I recently heard that indeed they are planning a movie but they're having trouble getting funding for it, which surprises me, since his westerns on TNT have shattered cable records in the past. Anyone have any updated info?


I've not "heard" anything about this until now, so I can say that I am clueless. I do wish he'd do more western movies. I like them and I think he fits the cowboy role very well. I'd like to see a Quigly Pt.2 as well.


Oh heck yah, a Quigly sequel would be awesome. I loved him in that.


Monte Walsh is now online at Youtube, divided into 12 parts!Check it out!!
