Simple Question: Is it a true story?





better world? .. are you even muslim to give this opinion ? if you are and you see that the way that "omar shereif" presented the islam with it in this movie is right then you are going straight to hell my friend .. there is nothing called a VERSION of islam it's only one version but defernt WAYS of understanding it and eplaining it's teachings
i don't know much about SUFI way but if this way says

1)that it's ok to drink alcohol(ibrahim drinks while he and momo on caffee and momo says"i thought muslims don't drink ... yes but i'm SUFI ??!!! " what the *beep* is that? )

2)that it's ok Sleep with wemon without marrige (in the movie "ibrahim"never told "momo" that it's forbedin or even it's BAD for his health "at least he could'v said that" to commet adultery "which i beleive is a standard issue in the 3 religions "jewish,Christianity,Islam" ,, all he did was telling him how to pick up girls and that whores won't beleive that he's 16 when they see the metal in his mouth!. like it's ok to do so "WHICH IS NOT no matter what way of islam it is ..

3)and if it says that it's ok to adopt other peoples childrens " which is forbiden but he only can take care of him as spending on him ,feed him even give him home if he needs but never adopt ..


if the SUFI way says that it's ok to do all the 3 above points then it's a really mised up way and have no relation to islam what so ever cause it demolishs some of the most important basics that islam or any of the 3 religions is based on and supports
if the SUFI way actually supports all the points i talked about "which i really don't think so at ALL cause from what i know that THE REAL SUFI not the ones that just calls them selfs sufi ... the reall sufi is not like what omar sherife presented in this movie at ALL"

then it's a really mised up WAY of understanding islam(and again i don't think at all that this is the real sufi way ..that why i'm gona check and post what i find out about it here....

i never thought that omar shereif will ever insult islam in such way....
PS: please mind my bad english


better world? .. are you even muslim to give this opinion ? if you are and you see that the way that "omar shereif" presented the islam with it in this movie is right then you are going straight to hell my friend ...

hahaha, going to hell, that is priceless... Thanks for the laugh


Although I’m not a dedicated muslim, I was shocked at the amount of misinterpretations to Islam in this movie. There is many things that Omar Sherif portrayed about Islam that can delude many about this religion, especially people who don’t know much about it.

The fact that he was so flexible about casual sex and drinking alcohol was jus too much to take. I do many of those things myself but never do I claim that I’m dedicated to my religion or that I’m a good example of it. I know its wrong so I wont fool myself by saying the things that Omar Sherif kept repeating in the movie.

“I know what’s in my Quraan”, what the hell is that? If he did have the slightest clue what’s in the Quraan he wont go around sending the faulty messages about it. although this movie was beautifully done and had many tear-provoking moments, it can be very destructive as well. I don’t recommend it for people who want to learn about Islam as the religion or are confused about it.

to me Islam is all about restraining yourself from the pleasures of life to enjoy the pleasures of heaven. And people I’m not begging for a fundamentalist fanatic to rampage this forum and disagree with me while calling me names, I’m just saying what I think about Islam.

Take it or leave it, just don’t deny it!

“I’ve spent much of my life outrunning the past, and now it floods all over me” James Whale


ok idiot. When he says he knows what's in "his Koran," it's an OBVIOUS implication that he, throughout his life as a Sufi, has pursued his own inner religion; an inner religion not restrained by official Islamic dogma. All of you on this message board don't seem to understand this. Sufism isn't about doctrines, dogmas, or what you can or cannot do, but simply stresses the importance of personal spirituality.


ok, i read the book that this movie was based on. i don't remember the ending that well, but when Momo opens the Coran, he found a beautiful flower. That's what was in Monsieur Ibrahim's Coran, the beauty of life, at least that's how interpreted it. (In the novel) Monsieur Ibrahim also keeps his friend Abdullah's letter in his Coran, so it's possible that the flower is from his wife whom he loves so dearly.
I agree with the one that responded above me. I don't think this is about religions and their teachings at all. It's about love between human beings.


well i havent seen the movie but like based on ur thread, i just think the old man is thinking hes dealing with a teenager and one thing u cant do to teenager is tell them what they can and cant do and expect them to listen to you so maybe he was just thinking of befriending him and earn i=his trust i dont know but thats how my mo was with my bro when he was 16


ok guys i made sure to ask alot of "shikhs" before i post this (even thought i knew the answer to my question already .....
the "SUFI" way in islam never at any time allowed or suported drinking alchohole or adobting other people's childrens or any of the points i talked abot before ... the sufi way actually is more strict in many points even more than any other "way" so what ever "omar sherife" presented in this movie it's not islam .. ( looks like the money is getting to his head after all this time )

and i'm asking cine_asta to tell me what are the (( the fanatism and silly restrictions )) that is in the other "ways" and not in the sufi way .. in his openion ??!!!!!!! so please tell me cause i really woulde love to know that ...



just to state the fact .. i was wrong .. i say it cause admiting a mistake is better than continu doing it .. it turned out that the one i asked was "sufi" so he defended it as the best way and all .. but i absurved him for few weeks and kept asking him .. it turned out that he don't even pray cause he thinks that he dosn't need to and all this stupid ideas ... also found out that there is nothing called ways of beeing a muslim ... the only way is to follow quran and sunna .. that's it no mambo jumbo stuff ..... violet__angel you are right ... and i think that it's you " saido " that needs to wake up .. ask your self one quistion .. if sufi was that correct why didn't prophet muhamed tell people to follow it or why wasn't it present in the days of prophet muhamed ?? cause it's made up by people who dosn't want to do any thing from what islam tells them to do and want to make things up and still be muslims .. ??!!


Sufi is a very incorrect version of Islam!!? I am sure that you think your version ,what ever it may be, is "the most correct version of Islam"!!

Hay angel, wake up! you live in a world with many different opinions, using a media that is so much diverse, so pls do not sell us your faith as an absolute fact. thank u


hello everybody,
i am a muslim myself but i cannot say for sure which "way" is right or wrong, because each one of us believes that his "way" is always right... i don't see it like this.

the real question that i really wanna know " is it a true story" ? and that's all.


Yes its based on a true story bur has been changed. The true story is that Ibrahim found Momo stealing Chocolate from his shop, so he kindly said to him i will give you free chocolate if you promis not 2 steal again. So momo agreed. They became good friends. Whenever momo had a problem he would go to Ibrahim. Ibrahim would then take out a book and read from it, then he would solve momo's problem. This happened for 17 years. Afterwards Ibrahim died and left the book to momo. But momo couldnt read Arabic, so he had someone translate it 4 him. He later found that the book was the Holy Koran. He then became a Muslim and started to spread Islam. He found a map in the front of Ibrahims Koran and it said that he should spread the religion in Africa. So he did. Momo later died in 2003 and he had spread islam to 6 million peaople.
This story was told by momo, and then told in a conference in London.
That is the true version, but as you know film producers alter all fils e.g harry potter series.


This is true story and momo is GAD allah el qurany the one who spread the islam to 6 thusands of europian citizens and then went to africa and he was the reason to convert milions and milions without ordering anyone to convert ( this is the islam education ) ,my opinian that people always run away from the Essential basics and look into superficial in things ,they can stop themselfs under the names sufi or wahaby or anything that lead to exit from the realness ,the reason here is the people not the religion, islam means peace for everything , peace for you self and peace with your master who created us ,give your self the peace to know and listen ,thus the first massege to Mohamed the prophet is (READ )start learning about islam and start from the Quran ,then anyone has his own decision and free to choose i think this was the massege from ibrahim and momo the movie


From what I've read, the movie is based on a novel by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and is a work of fiction NOT a real story.

Could you please provide more information about this, preferably to some publicly verifiable document and not to someone who told you.


I saw the movie twice last night, the second time was with a commenting by Omar Sherrif himself. He mentioned that the writer's last name was Schmitt. (as the character Momo,Moses Schmitt) I'm not sure of the authenticity of his comments on the movie. He claimed that it was sort of an auto-biography of the writer's life that he lived a life similar to Momo's.

Yes please, could you get us facts that the character Momo is truly a person who made such a huge achievement like that.

The way Islam was depicted in the movie was disturbing to me, I agree with the other fellow posters who implied that its misleading towards Islam. The only way to be a muslim is to follow the teachings of the prophet Mohammed and to believe in the five pillars of Islam.

These are the five pillars:

-Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad

-Establishment of the daily prayers

-Concern for and almsgiving to the needy

-Self-purification through fasting

-The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able


There is truth in every story, even in lies.


It has been more than 10 years since endlessrain asked a very simple question: Is the story portrayed in the movie Monsieur Ibrahim a true story? In ten years, no one has provided an accurate answer, with appropriate back-up support. So, finally, here you go (and if you don't want to read all the back-up details, just go to the bottom line):

First: it's true that in his commentary for the film, Omar Sharif says that this story is autobiographical - based on the childhood of the original author, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (this comes at the 1:30 mark in the film - almost the end). However, I don't think this is true. A 2010 interview in Financial Times with Schmitt, includes the following:

"Your parents were gym teachers in Lyons. What was your childhood home like?"

"In the 1960s, when I was eight, my sister and I moved into the house outside Lyons my parents had had specially built. . . . The garden in particular had lots of charm. There were big trees and I strung a hammock between one of them and a weeping willow and spent hours and hours lying there reading. I read the whole of Proust's A la Recherche du Temps Perdu there."

If you have seen the movie, I think you'll agree, this doesn't sound anything like the boy portrayed there.

According to Wikipedia, Schmitt wrote the original play at the request of his friend, Bruno Abraham-Kremer:
"Kremer had asked Schmitt to write a play based upon his [Kremer's] life growing up in Paris, specifically the relationship with his grandfather, Mr. Abraham."

This rings truer. Schmitt is a playwright; Kremer is an actor. Kremer starred in the original production of Monsieur Ibrahim. (note: Kremer is not in the movie)

The play was rewritten by Schmitt as a novela. I have read neither the play, nor novella, so I don't know if there are differences in the story between the two, or what was changed for the movie. But the question was, is the movie story true?

Because Monsieur Ibrahim wasn't Momo's grandfather, as was the inspiration (Kremer's grandfather, Mr. Abraham), I would tend to call it "inspired by" rather than "based on" a true story. Lots of youngsters are mentored by wise grandparents or grandparent figures. Details may change, and without talking to Kremer or Schmitt, it's tough to know which of those in the movie really happened, and which were fabricated for dramatic purposes. My sense is that it is the fondness between the two that is most real.

As for the business of the boy in the movie being the same person who grew up to convert millions of Africans to Islam, I have no idea where that's coming from. Schmitt lives in Belgium, and is a prolific author of plays and novels. Kremer is an actor who has worked regularly in plays and movies since 1986 (see his IMDb page). I would put this answer in the Not True category. If such a person really existed, it's someone else.

Bottom line: True story? Sort of. More accurately, inspired by a true story.
