MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > giraldo and norton??

giraldo and norton??

i didnt seen to see greg giraldo or jim norton anywhere in the movie could some one tell me please were they were??!!??


Jerry talked to Greg while he(greg) was off camera at one of the clubs. Why Norton got a credit in this film is beyond me. I didn't see or hear him anywhere. Not even on the dvd extas.


You know the part where Seinfeld's waiting to go on in Washington DC and he's really nervous? And he cracks open the door to listen to a joke about, "I knew I wasn't going to get any sex from my date, because I'd run out of rags and chloroform"? That's Norton's voice. In the DVD commentary, Seinfeld says he couldn't think of a hackier joke to have to follow. Colin Quinn just keeps his mouth shut.


You sir are incorrect. Norton can actually be seen within the first minute or so of the movie. He's on the stage at the Cellar when Jerry's coming down.

Be realistic would Jim Norton ever open for Seinfeld?


At the time when Jerry was working on his new act, I'm sure alot of small time guys would open for him. The Cellar is a place where alot of Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn ex-regulars preform. But if you mean on tour, I assume local comics open for Jerry. Anyone catch him lately and wants to let us know, please do so...


Yeah I know they all perform at the Cellar, I was just trying to point out how it wasn't Jim Norton doing the hacky material on tour with Jerry.

Plus I honestly can't see Jerry taking such an edgy comedian with him on tour to open for him. (For the movie Jerry brought Mario Joyner with him)


In the movie they imply that Mario Joyner was always opening for Jerry on the road. He opened for him in at least LA and I think it was implied elsewhere.


I went to see Jerry in Las Vegas on the 23 of august. I'm sorry to say that i don't remember the name of the guy that opened for jerry, but he was black and is featured in Comedian, while they are performing in New York.

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The thing that gets me is.. giraldo and norton are barely seen on screen - if they even are anywhere near a camera isn't even proven -- but Russ Meneve is on stage and you actually hear one of his jokes (Hunny.. do I look fat in this?) - and he isn't in the credits at all.


You hear one of Meneve's (who is a terrific comic, by the way) jokes, and they cut out the punchline, making it seem like a hacky joke, when it's a little more clever than the movie would have you think.


saw jerry live last night at the Wang Theatre .... phenomenal ... great seats too .. this guy, Tom Papas (sp?) is opening for him .. also very very funny.

nothin' from the little bits they show him doing in "comedian," however ... though that was like 3-4 years ago.

no "i'm telling you for the last time" bits, though
