MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > Letterman appearances on DVD

Letterman appearances on DVD

I have this film on DVD. One of the special features is the David Letterman show appearances of both Jerry and Orny, which were not included in the film. When I play these segments, I can hear the audience laughing but can’t hear the comics. It’s as if their microphones aren’t turned on. I thought maybe my DVD was defective so I went out and rented another copy from a video store, and it was the same thing. I’ve read several DVD reviews and no one has mentioned this problem. Many have pointed out that this was one of the standouts of the special features. Has anyone else had this problem?


I just rented it from a local Blockbuster Video and the audio during the Letterman extras was fine.


Thanks. Maybe it's my DVD player or maybe I'm just unlucky enough to have gotten the only two defective DVDs. I'll rent it once more from somewhere else.


I rented from Netflix and had the same problem as you described. I have a Sony DVD player and a Harmon Kardan Receiver. Any matches their?


My DVD player is a Funai. Thanks for letting me know. Now I know I'm not crazy. This must mean some of the DVD's are defective and some aren't.


I had the same issue playing it on my Panasonic DVD player.


The audio is just fine on mine... I have a JVC


I noticed it too, it looked like Orney wasn't close enough to the mic most of the time. Jerry was better at keeping the mic up to his mouth.


I noticed that the audio was indeed a little odd. It was like some kind of weird surround sound deal or panning thing, i listened to it on my laptop and it seemed like the audio was coming from 3 inches behind my head for some reason. I think the strange audio mixed with strange speaker setups made it unhearaaaabbbbbibbbbllee.


off your topic... its funny how both comics end their segments the same way... by jumping back to a previous joke... it really shows the comparison between jerry and orny...


I just rented this yesterday and have the EXACT same Audio problem with the Letterman segments as you describe---no matter how much I changed the player settings! Plus, it happens on BOTH of my DVD is a top of the line, expensive Panasonic, and the other is a cheapie AMW player...but the audio problem is the same on both players no matter what settings I change.

Oridinarily, since it did that on both my players I would assume it was something in the way it was recorded and/or the audio codec theyre using, but since some people here claim it works fine for them, Im not sure now. Very strange...but it sucks, thats for sure :/



off your topic... its funny how both comics end their segments the same way... by jumping back to a previous joke... it really shows the comparison between jerry and orny...
It's called a "call back" and it is a pretty standard practice on shows where the comic only has a few minutes.

To the OP, I have the same problem.


I had this problem too... I dunno... Oh, well...
