MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > What Was Colin Quinn Doing In A Movie Ca...

What Was Colin Quinn Doing In A Movie Called "Comedian"?

Colin Quinn is not funny. His comments (both in the film as well as on the DVD commentary track) were shallow, uninformative, and just plain obnoxious. It seems as if the only person who actually thinks Quinn is funny is Jerry Seinfeld.


I guess it's just a matter of taste. When it comes to contemporary comedy legends, Colin Quinn is right up there with the best. Even Tina Fey, who replaced him on Saturday Night Live, cites him as her idol. His humor is different, and certainly not as honed and pointed as Seinfeld's, but he really has the respect of everyone in the buisiness. I think his style and delivery is a turn off for a lot of people. For a funnier side of Quinn, check out Touch Crowd on Comedy Central.


What humor? The guy's just talks and talks without any change in his voice. No exclamations or pauses. Just keeps on making comments on everything like a senile old man.

How does Jerry find him funny? Maybe he was just faking it?



I've heard Quinn be referred to as a "Comedian's Comedian" so that might be what they find attractive in him.

And I doubt Jerry is faking it because if he was he wouldn't of performed a musical number with Quinn on Tough Crowd.

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


Such a shame, some people will never understand this man. Colin Quinn... you either love him or you hate him and if you feel one of the other for him, he's done his job. If you're turned off by his humor than you my friend, know nothing about stand-up comedy. It's not about delivering a line perfectly, where's the fun in that? It's not about immitating people. It's not about what YOU like. It's about them and their self loathing, their failures, their funny moments that they aren't afraid to share. And I can't think of someone that I'd rather see bomb than him. When Colin's on, he's killing and when he's off, he's ragging on himself/audience/other comedians and it works. I def. recommend anyone to see him live, whether you go to his show or see him at The Cellar, Colin is truly a delight to see perform.


Hey, I like Quinn.

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


I think the people who hate Colin Quinn (I use to be one of them) have only seen his performances on Saturday Night Live. Let's get a couple of things straight. One, is that if you put cue cards up for Colin Quinn, or make him memorize any kind of lines, you can count on whatever jokes are contained within them to be ruined. However, if you just put Colin Quinn out on his own without having to read anything, you'll see that he's funny as well as extremely intelligent.


On Comedy Centrals Bar Mitzvah Bash Colin Quinn did an hilarious routine about New Yorker's answering their own questions. He clearly had an intimate relationship with this material and his suttering was kept to a minimum. If you ask him to talk extemporaneously he can often sound like a kindergardener trying to read script when he has only learned cursive. Still, he's Irish like myself. If heritage isn't a reason to feel kinship, than I'm not an irrational American.


I've seen a lot of stuff that Colin Quinn has done. Remote Control, SNL, Tough Crowd, stand up comedy, and various television appearances. I never found him funny at all. It's a style I don't like.


When that was the only thing I knew of Colin Quinn, I couldn't stand his stuff.

You have to see him interviewed, at roasts, on stand-up, in environments like "Comedian" and he really starts to grow on you. He's one of my favorites comedians now but I hate his stint on SNL.


you either love him or you hate him and if you feel one of the other for him, he's done his job.

Actually, I would say he's done his job if he makes me laugh, which he's never done, because he's not funny. You can dance around the issue and explain and explain, but comedy is either funny or not funny. And it's not a question of not "understanding" him--I would certainly NOT rank Colin Quinn very high on the sophistication scale AT ALL. Eddie Izzard has more intellectual content in one bit than Quinn has ever vomited up in his whole miserable career.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?



I agree 100% with this thread. Quinn's presence dragged down this movie almost as badly as Orny's.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?


colin quinn seems like a really nice guy, the kind of guy you would feel comfortable getting a beer with - probably the kind of guy a lot of comedians would like to hang out with. but he's staggeringly unfunny. comedy isn't just talking about things - it takes timing, delivery, instinct, etc. colin quinn lacks any of these in any but the slightest capacity. he seems very cool and i think it's great he has a show he can hang out with his friends on and all, but i've watched his stand-up, i've watched his 'weekend updates,' and i've watched 'tough crowd,' and i've never laughed once.


It's been a long time since I visited this thread but after watching Quinn on "Tough Crowd" (since canceled), I can - once again - unequivocally say:


You want funny? Norm MacDonald (on Weekend Update) was funny!


PS Save "Arrested Development".



Fascinating. I absolutely loathed Quinn on SNL, and I was unimpressed with Tough Crowd. I find his delivery stilted and painful, like watching a guy stutter while giving a class presentation.

However, I will say I was genuinely shocked to see how funny he was in his guest appearance on the Ben Stiller Show, and I found him a neutral presence in "Comedian." So I guess he does have some redeeming virtues...

By the way, please don't make comments that if you loathe Quinn you don't understand stand-up comedy. People have different tastes, and stand-up comedy is a wide-ranging field (I mean, look at the difference between Gilbert Gottfried and Steven Wright).

My personal favorite SNL Weekend Update anchor was probably Kevin Nealon -- if yours was Quinn, I think that just means we appreciate different things in a comedian. And that Colin Quinn sucks. ;) ;) ;)


Agree with bijin_chick.

Comedy is not objective, it's subjective.

As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I happen to find Norm McDonald extremely funny. But - and this is important - not in *all* cases. SNL Weekend anchor - loved him. Stand-up comedy - for the most part, hilarious. "The Norm Show" - hideous.

CQ has never brought a smile to my face. Granted, I haven't seen him live. But why should I - if he doesn't make me laugh on TV or in films, why drop X dollars for the remote chance that his stand-up is funnier than anything else he's shown me.

Finally, one last story. I'm a huge "Daily Show" fan. I believe Jon Steart is God/god. Watch it religiously. About a month or so ago, went to see JS live in Chicagoland. Incredibly disappointing. The audience were lemmings - laughing hysterically at every anti-Republican "joke" and applauding wildly at every pro-Democrat pronouncement. But, bottom line, the guy was just not funny.

I guess the point of all this is that someone can be very good in one setting(David Letterman on "The Late Show") and truly horrible in another setting (David Letterman on "The Academy Awards").

Which is why I should probably give Colin Quinn a chance and see him when he visits my fair city in the near future.



Yeah, chicago really brings out the worst in me, too.




All the comedians like him , he's like a comedian's comedian boo. "when u eat u see it in the bathroom?" -SEinfeld
"But why male models?"
