MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > Remember that stuff about Seinfelds Wife...

Remember that stuff about Seinfelds Wife?

Remember how Seinfeld and his wife got all that flak for him stealing his wife away from some poor guy, and she jumped at the chance to date Seinfeld---even tho it was only a few weeks after she got back from her honeymoon?

Well, Im not making ANY judgement calls here(who knows why it happened--couldve been materialism/shallowness or it could have been a bad honeymoon, lol who knows), Im just saying I had a weird thought: The strange thought that popped in my mind while watching this movie---I hope that poor guy (her ex-husband she dumped to get with Jerry) never saw this. I can only imagine how much this one would BURRRRRRN to see her hanging out with celebs, walking around with his baby, etc. Ouch, that would hurt pretty bad, ya know?

Hehe goofy thought, I know.

reply are you that guy? If so...get a life. If not...get a life.


What a great, pointless and idiotic post you've got there. Be proud!

To the original poster, yeah I thought the same thing. Dumps her husband weeks after their marriage for $, and then walks around in the movie unashamed.


I found her attractive though,so all is forgiven. Good looking people can do whatever they want in life.


Yes, we can. ;)


Ummm...her previous guy was a Nederlander (Broadway tycoons). He was pretty rich in his own right and hangs out with celebrities himself.


that's so weird [those of us who are taking the question seriously] are thinking along the same lines... i was a little upset with the cameos of Mrs. S., knowing the history of how Seinfeld goes for these younger ladies all the time, and how much it appeared on the surface that his wife seemed a bit of a golddigger, but then you see them all kissy-poo on the documentary and figure maybe it was true love at the <3 of it?
