MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > Movie would've been ace without Adams

Movie would've been ace without Adams

I bought this movie thinking "It's Seinfeld, How can I go wrong?", and unfortunately, I was wrong. I enjoyed a few scenes with Seinfeld, I wish they would've shown a bit more into his past, but I understand the main focus of the movie was showing him getting back on track. But Orny Adams, was so annoying. He definitely has some Bipolar issues. One minute he's bragging about being in the paper, the next minute he's about to hang himself. I wonder how he feels about the movie, he can't feel good about it. I think he expected it to help rocket his career but it only gave an insight into the personality of a walking, talking jackass.

One scene specifically pissed me off. After a show, with Adams and Shapiro, and the guy, I believe he was the club owner or something, tells Shapiro, that he always says that if Orny would just shut his mouth, he'd be great. And I called it while watching the movie, I said "5 bucks says the second that guy leaves Orny says something about him." And sure enough, he did. I regret watching this movie because I wanted to see Jerry, I didn't know Orny would be in it, and the film would have been a lot better without him.

Also, did anyone else find it weird hearing Seinfeld swear? It happens to me a lot when I finally hear someone swear, I'm like "Whoa."


"Also, did anyone else find it weird hearing Seinfeld swear?"

Yes individual, I did indeed. No matter how much you try to tell yourself that everybody swears, and we're all humans, you're still kind of taken back when you hear actors who have portrayed somewhat innocent characters over the years exclaim ,"F*UCK!" It's a little unsettling, but then you turn to your buddy and say, "God damn, did you f*ucking just hear that f*ucking Seinfeld say 'F*UCK', that was was some un-f*ucking-believable s*hit. Supercali-f*ucking-fragicexpe-f*ucking-alidosh-f*uck-us!!!111~~~oneoneone."

Then you begin to remember, just like taking BM's, that everyone swears.

None are exempt.


orny didnt' really rub me a wrong way, but i have to say that club owner was kinda a jerk anyways. he ripped orny pretty bad with a joke so i can't blame orny for thinking the guy was a jack off.


I think it's an indication of Seinfeld's guardedness that half of his film is an intense personal study of somebody else. An up close and personal study of a comic should require some confessions, some weaknesses, even some psychological shortcomings, and Orny was there to serve that purpose because no way in heck was Seinfeld going to provide the drama. Seinfeld reveals very little at all.

We are told that it's a "struggle" for the superannuated Seinfeld to assemble new material.

Watching this film made me realise how great Larry David is.


Yeah, I enjoyed Larry David in the film a lot. My only thoughts are...COULDN'T SEINFELD HAVE GOTTEN SOMEONE ELSE THAT IS STRUGGLING? At least someone I could like. It doesn't need to be a funny comedian, his jokes can stink, just as long as he's not a pompous jerk. I can understand why he didn't show Dave Attell struggling, because hearing a man suffer and talk about midget-porn don't mix, but Orny...was a horrible choice.



Orny Adams was simply horrible. Good lord was he awful. Holy good god jesus christ he was the worst. George Carlin advises that for a stand-up to be successful "the audience must see you as non-threatening but authoritative within yourself, and that happens in your first five or ten minutes." This loser had 90 minutes and still came up short.

He is absolutely unlikable on every conceivable level. Somewhere Orny Adams is beating his wife senseless.



I think this doc was ACE because of Adams. And obviously you numbnuts are still talking about it... so something "worked."

attention grammar-cops: you're not as smart as you expect from us.


Orny was a life-sucker! Good god! Totally insecure and jealous.

You could even sense his hostile energy during his stand up. I hope he finds out what his heart's desire is, so that he can go with that. Fame and money are not the primary reasons why you become a comedian.


Orny worked hard to get where he was, and a lot of comedians get into the business for just fame and money. A lot of them want a show or to do movies, and that's what it's all about. Orny was a little unlikable, but I felt that his reactions are genuine. He was on the front page of a national paper. That's a big deal. Who wouldn't show some people that?

Orny is in this because he is the other side of the coin. He is aspiring, and it shows what it's like for that exact opposite of Seinfeld. He's this guy who's polished on stage, but he lacks the name recognition. Seinfeld has the recognition, but he was just getting back into it.


I think Orny was unlikeable (to me, anyways) on nearly every level. I MIGHT have enjoyed his comedy had I not gotten a glimpse into his off-stage natural personality.

Once I did, I then sized him up so to speak as a complete and total self absorbed, needy, attention seeking, "me-me-me-me" bipolar idiot. His immaturity oozes from every word out of his mouth. And he pretty much made me biased towards him and his act from there on out.

Wow, how can someone be so absolutely UN-self aware??

Whats worse, is that this some people actually find him very charming. Eh.. really? I mean, I guess he does resemble Buzz Lightyear without his helmet on.

Jerry could not hide for a minute how awkward it must be to have a guy like that in your face basically asking you the meaning of life. He looked like he wanted to shoot himself in the face just being in his presence.

Orny Adams.. lol. What a tool. Next!

What Kind Of Supreme Being Condones Such Irony?


His personal issues aside, the only thing in Adams' performance that made me laugh was the bit about the giant cell phones.

I don't care if the guy is neurotic/bi-polar/just a dick...if he isn't making me laugh, gotta move on.
