MovieChat Forums > Comedian Discussion > Favorite Orny moment of douche?

Favorite Orny moment of douche?

Yes I know, so many to choose from. Mine is around ten minutes in, when Jerry gives Orny some advice, then he has to go on. Orny turns his head towards the cheers going up for Jerry and says, "F him."

Excuse me? Jerry Seinfeld gives you his time, his advice, and puts you in his documentary, and that's how you repay him? No, f you Orny.


I fast forward all of Orny parts, he had funny material but his personality bring him down


definitely the 'don't touch it' part where he shows the paper to the girl

On the outside, I was an honest man. I had to come to prison to be a crook


part of me feels like i'm giving george shapiro a gift

right after shapiro having to move away because he can't bear to listen to his douchiness

"you're not gonna open the door for me?"

bringing his paper on stage

calling the audience *beep* cos they didn't laugh

Eric C 4 Prez


How about when the guy in Montreal told him to stop being a douche; then Orny called him a *beep* ? It seems like Orny was doing comedy because he wanted to be rich and famous; instead of doing it because there was nothing else he could do. If you want to make money on wall street and impress your mom go do it. Don't do comedy; the odds of becoming rich (like Jerry Seinfeld) off of your work are non-existent. Just do something else.


Oh god. So many. How about when he's talking about how much Shapiro loves him, and Shapiro gets up out of the background and leaves because he says it's too awkward.

Or in the cab on the way to the Shapiro lunch, he says "Sure he did Seinfeld, but lightning has to strike twice for him to be a legend." sort of referring to himself as the second lightning.

Or even small things like after a set immediately calling his mom and telling her about a heckler, or laying in the street saying "Someone is going to have to marry me."

And then there's bringing up his newspaper on stage to brag, and then blaming the audience for not finding it hysterical.

I think it's even funnier now to watch him be such an ass knowing he's done nothing but Teen Wolf in the last decade since being an "up and comer."
