Ulrich Thomsen

Is he in every Danish movie?

I mean, I know he's not... I've seen at least one without him! But man... I rented Brodre and Arven at the same time, and it's just an awful lot of him at once.

That said, I do love the guy, and The Celebration is one of my favorite movies of all time. Thomsen's terrific in it.

His English is also very good, but I'm beginning to feel that's true of Scandinavians in general. Makes sense, too, since English is a cousin of Old Icelandic, Old Norse, etc., etc.

Oy, gehl goat glassed. Now nae cahnt leaves here till we find oot whae cahnt ded eht.


Denmark havent got that many extraordinary actors so in almost every great movie we make we use the same actors :)
But no, Ulrich Thomsen is actually not one that is used a lot compared to a lot of other actors.

BTW. Have you seen Bænken and Drabet aswell?


Unfortunately, no, I haven't. They're not available on Netflix, which is where I get 90% of the movies I watch. Of course, this might just be because they haven't been released on DVD in the States yet; at least, I hope that's the case.

Drabet interested me in particular, but if Arven is any indication, I'm sure they're both great. Arven was fabulous, almost Shakespearean (though it's also a lot like the Godfather in some ways)-- and I guess that's appropriate, since Shakespeare comes up quite a bit in the movie, and since he wrote a major tragedy about Denmark ("Hamlet"). Also modern English literature by most accounts begins with a tale of the Danes and the Geats-- "Beowulf"-- so there's another connection. OK, enough rambling.

And after that, well, the game was mine.
-- Francis Begbie


Also you ought to check out "Blinkende Lygter" - where Ulrich, along with other major Danish actors (Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Søren Pilmark) plays another entirely different role.

Henrik Noer


Funny you should mention that. It's arriving at my house via Netflix today.

Flickering Lights is how they translate it in English.

And after that, well, the game was mine.
-- Francis Begbie
