LIve Action Movie

zac efron

i don't know how to make it clicky, sorry D:


Yeah...I've been researching extensively for information on this news. After checking website after website...every last one of them quotes the exact same article. I wish there was more info on it right now....but I guess I'll have to wait. Although based on what the article's are saying...I'm not too sure what to think about this. At first I was enraged. Now I've had a little bit of time to calm down and accept that if it is made....I'll still love the anime it doesn't really matter in the end. Not too sure about Zac Efron though. I honestly haven't seen I have no right to comment on his acting abilities. After Googling some pictures of him just to see if he could even look the part of Sousuke, I actually think that he may be able to pull the look off okay. Needs some roughing up...but he kind of does have a look that may be suitable to play Sousuke. I'm just really skeptical of Hollywood's ability to make a decent movie of this. I haven't seen Dragon Ball Evolution...and probably won't based off of the previews. With that's not looking too promising that they will do a better job of FMP. But who knows? They might. Over the years they have been able to pull off some really awesome American comic book live action they might surprise us all. I really hope so! There are things about turning FMP into a live action movie that might or might not work though. Things that might work: FMP revolves mainly in the life of high school, has the awkward romance, and the general plot could be pretty easy to pull off. Although...there is the point of the comedy. Most of the comedy in FMP is over the top, slap stick humor...and a good part of it revolves around Sousuke's antics at school where he brings weapons and blows sh*t up! Not too sure how that will fit in for an American bringing weapons to school is obviously a touchy subject. I guess we'll see what happens. might not even get made. Lets just hope that this will be the anime that Hollywood doesn't screw up!


Most of the older crowd don't really like him due to the overhype HSM, which created his heartthrob image. To be honest, from viewing his other works (including his minor/supporting works on TV shows before HSM, 17 Again, etc) he is a decent actors.

There was an interview with him about it. While he is in negotiations, Zac himself said it might not work with him for whatever reasons. A lot of articles seems to make it that he is attached, but he ISN'T. Nothing has been confirmed that he has been attached.

If he was, they need to send him to boot camp. Rough him up a bit ;) Cause he can't look like the anime (except for the whole Japanese ethnic identity :P). It's really safe to say that they'll be getting two white leads for the roles. And an American high school setting. This is really easy to Americanized though. Just change it to an American high school and culture. The rest is international.

As for as an adaptation for the series in general...the humor would definitely have to be changed it to fit a live-action feature film format. It works for the anime cause..well it's an animation. The action, Mithril, serious parts, etc should be relatively easy to pull off though. As much as I love the humor, I love The Second Raid! better for its dark story and developing relationships.


I don't mind so much about Zac Effron, but I doubt they'll be able to do honor to the anime, which is, IMHO, one of the best there is out there...

Beloved, I have missed your company.


This is an old post, but everyone should add as much info to it as possible.

I completely understand how people hate live action film adaptations of video games and anime titles (how to you cram 24 episodes into a 2 hour movie). While I agree it makes me worry how much they'll change and miss the point, I also look forward to it at the same time.

Hopefully this adaptation will be good :)

Anyone have any new info at all about it? Cast/crew?

I think the main thing I'm worried about are the two leads. Who could play Chidori?


That project's most likely dead at this point. Efron probably could have pulled off the dead pan comedy style that his role requires, but he himself stated after the meeting that the project wasn't likely to proceed.

Oh well, it could have been worse. They could have made another Dragon Ball Evolution...
