MovieChat Forums > Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Discussion > Frances grabbing a statue's genitalia

Frances grabbing a statue's genitalia

Am I the only one who noticed that when Marcello was going down on Frances, she spread her arms in ecstatic pleasure and grabbed, with her right hand,... the penis of the "some naked guy" statue standing on her right? I don't think it was intentional cos it's a pretty innocent movie. But if it's not, that's bloody hilarious! Well, I chuckled. Cheers.




Perhaps I'm a bit of a perv, but I noticed right away and thought it added to the sensuality of the scene. Decent film, don't understand why people don't like it more.


Yeah I saw it, made me laugh.

Pretty sure it was deliberate though, the film after all was R rated originally. Probably just got missed by the powers that be, or they figured not as many people would notice it.


noticed right away while watching and saw it again once or two more times :D.

and definitely: i'm convinced it was on purpose
