the faucet

i didnt get the meaning of that faucet in the wall
why was it running at the end?


This going to sound really stupid, but given the symbolism we often hear about in movies, I would guess that it is a symbol of things progressing in her life and finally turning out the way they should through patience...

Remember, in the beginning nothing happened when she turned it on and she watched it and watched it (a watched pot never boils, that sort of thing) and then after all that time as she changed and evolved and stopped trying to "force it", things started happening and then just like her relationship with the writer happened when she stopped looking, the faucet started to work...

Anyway, that is my guess!


but why was the faucet there? There was no sink and it didn't look as if one had ever been there. And it was at the entrance of the home which I'd imagine was a living room. I just didn't get the faucet.



The faucet is there for the sole purpose of using it for cleaning the house. I remember seeing this at my grandmother's hoouse in Cuba. Very old house with a faucet hanging off the interior entrance of the house( in those days the laundry room was a huge room with a bath tub and it was right outside the kitchen.) But anyway, you fill your cleaning bucket there and your ready to go.



I think (if I remember right :P) water is/can be a symbol for life. at the start, the tap was dry, because she was depressed and all, but towards the end, it was full of water- symbolising "full of life" maybe?

As for the faucet being in the entrance way... I don't get that either :p could be there to wash your feet? lol


If you remember, when Francis first is poking through the house, the first thing she does, is ram her arm up against it. And as far as the age of the house, that makes even less sense. Indoor plumbing in a 300 year old house? Most likely is was put in in the '40s or '50s, but the question still stands is what was it for? No drain in the floor, no signs of a sink. Maybe at one time it was an outside wall, and the water was needed for the gardens.

"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." Rachel in "Batman Begins"


i agree with all your symboolic guesses, and there proablly was some sort of raised bowl there at one time (common in old itlay houses) it could also be the only place they could have placed it at the time it was put in, but also the hosue layout was diffrent in the early years of the house so the front door could never have been used(common even now a days were people only use backdoors) so the room could have been some other room


Like the meaning of the old man with the flowers, it's a sign of hope and connection with life.


It said on Wikipedia that the movie ends with the possibility of a new love in her life.


I agree with the ladybug analogy, and I think it has something to do w/ the "train in the Alps" thing, letting events happen naturally.


water has always been used a symbolism for life.
Some countries even believe water is the element of life.
So, at the beginning there were only a few drops but in the end, it was flowing, gushing - because she has opened herself to a new life.


Is it possible she is actually pregnant and her water is breaking at the same time the spigot start working?


Because the Polish workmen did a good job.
