MovieChat Forums > Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Discussion > Can some Italian please tell me

Can some Italian please tell me

If having a pigeon crap on your head is actually considered a good sign in Italy? I don't know if they are pulling our legs or if it may be true.


Yes, it's true, a pigeon's poop is considered good luck for Italians. And ironically, when I went to Italy just this summer, a pigeon pooped on me and that evening I had a very lucky night!!!


I wonder if there is something similar in Greece.
My first day in Corfu a pigeon got me, and the hotel person was adamant that it was a good sign. Anyway, I had a great time in Greece ;-)


It's also similar in Turkey. It's told that one should buy a lottery ticket when something like that happens.


It is also a sign of Luck here in Malta!


Yeah, right. It's considered ironically a good sign (good luck).

Gioacchino (italian guy).


Well, I could explain it like this. If something slightly unpleasant, or a bit disgusting happens to you (like a pigeon pooping on your head or shirt, or you stepping into dog's poo, or finding a spider on your house, and many more) saying "oh, don't worry, it brings good luck!" is a kind comment to say - you could see it as an attempt to make the other person feel less mortified.
Anyway, it's nothing we say becaue we really believe in it - you won't see anyone in Italy going like "Yeeeh!! Thank you mr. pigeon, now I'm going to have a lucky day!" :)


Right explaination.


Did u ever get an answer to this? I want to know this too.


"Did u ever get an answer to this? I want to know this too."

No they didn't - all those other postings answering their question above are a figment of your imagination...
