No Fault State?

Is anyone familiar with the divorce laws in CA? Somehow this seems messed up to me. How can a spouse have an extramarital affair with a much younger person and still seek alimony and other payments? Personally I feel they give up any such claims through their carousing, or maybe I'm just more judgmental than CA.

Dear Mr. Newman, Short people DO have a reason to live.



OJ Simpson is a completely different matter. While America was held captivated over the murders of 2 white people, a genocide was taking place in Rwanda during which tens of thousands were killed.

Dear Mr. Newman, Short people DO have a reason to live.


Yeah, but they were BLACK people.

The Only Morality in a Cruel World is Chance.

I believe in Harvey Dent.


men get stuck with vaginamony on a daily basis! when it happens to a woman they cry foul! women only want equality when it suits them.


Alimony and child support should be applied to both spouses according to the laws of each state. If constituents are not happy with the laws of their state, they should work with their representatives to get those laws changed. Some states seem to have figured out more fair ways to divide a marriage then others. I live in MN, don't know much about our laws, but a friend of mine who is male got divorced and his wife got almost everything. She is more educated and makes more money. In their case, I think it was a matter of her having the better lawyer, but I don't know that for a fact.


A few things.

Yes, I think it is a no fault state.

It could be that he had no or less income the previous year(s) than she did (he was some sort of teacher at a college, right?) and she sold a book and got a bunch of money. Way more than him. It would then look like she was supporting him and then would have to pay him alimony. Yeah, even if he was cheating.

The house could have been in his name only, so even though in California she'd still be entitled to half, she'd have to fight it in court. Especially if he owned it before they were married, like inherited it from his parents or something. It looked very like she didn't want the fight.

Once she packed her bags and left she abandoned the house, then had an even weaker claim.

My house is homesteaded and if I ever marry I will make sure my future husband signs a "quit claim" before I say "I do." That will go for my pension as well. And I'll keep my credit cards and bank account separate as well. He cheats, the locks get changed as soon as he leaves the house and his bags are on the curb. Love doesn't have to mean being both blind and stupid.

But that is not the point of the movie. She was a whimp at the beginning. She had no self-esteem and her identity was as a wife. The process of the movie was learning who she was and being confident in that. The old "I don't need a man to be a woman."

It had a lot more substance than your typical romantic comedy.
