Butt Bomb

I thought for sure that it was going to end with Creasey blowing up Daniel and his goons with a Suicide Butt Bomb from earlier. Wouldn't it have been cool if after he is delivered to Daniel, the watch beeps. Boom!


Ok. after watching the altenate ending, I can see how the final cut was better. It made the difference between being a revenge/action film vs. a redemption/action film.


I was thinking the same thing!!


I wish they had shown the butt bomb blowing the guy up starting from his arse rather than just a vague explosion behind Creasey as he walks away. That would've been cool.


With the exception of using the shotgun to blow off parts on different people and killing a couple with it he liked to use a different method of death on his "hunt" for every character.. I can respect that. The buttbomb was brutal though...


haha I thought the same thing :D
