MovieChat Forums > I Am David (2004) Discussion > Differences Between Fim and Book???

Differences Between Fim and Book???

I haven't watched the film - its selected release did not extend to where I lived - but I wondered, is it true to the book? What differences are there?



The film is (as is usual) disappointing compared with the book.
I found the the whole feel of the movie lacked coherence. David in the book is a traumatised but intelligent, thoughtful, mature and deep child. David appreciated music, art and beauty. The reason he gets a beating from Carlo is because he heard some music that caused him to stray onto Carlos' father's land. David does not speak unless he is answering a direct question nor does he voluntarily touch people. This is important because when he finally does it is a very emotional point. He was not a thief he had high moral standards resulting from the terrible things that he had witnessed. He had chosen to rise above the behavior of the camp guards. The soap was asked for and freely given by the same guard that enabled his freedom. It was the only time he had willingly spoken to a guard. The soap represents a desire to be cleansed which is a well known symptom of abuse trauma.

In the film there was a shift away from everything that was meaningful in the book. The whole purpose and atmosphere of the book was lost which has not produced a more thrilling or dramatic tale. It was as if it were naively interpreted (and unnecessarily embellished) by a child who just didn't "get it".


Totally agree. I read the book when I was a very impressionable 11 year old and it changed my life... There is absolutely no mention of the other aspect of David's self and that's his beautiful relationship with God, "The God of Green Pastures and Still Waters." Believing in God was his act of defiance against 'them'... But it's what got him through... His 'pilgrimage' to Denmark is surrounded by his Sirius of Gid's presence and his humility is part of what makes it special. It's sad but understandable that that was left out in the story-arc. Otherwise, lovely and amazing it has taken so long to get this made!
