NRA Propaganda?

Did anyone felt that vibe from the speech "I never use guns""Not even to save a friend's life?" and the gunfight at the end?
So the Rock is a great guy, good heart and everything but it's not enough, guns are just necessary to defeat the villain and/or defend your family. They also look so cool, xtreme, Rock yeah gobuyone


You're reading too much into it, it's just standard Hollywood action fare. Bombs, guns, chases, explosions, stunts, fights, pretty girl, impossible odds, indomitable spirit.

In the end, dozens of guns were no help to the bad guys, so the message really was that guns are not the answer either.

The Rock was able to do without guns because he could dodge bullets, even better than a lot of action stars. Not whips though, those are apparently faster than bullets.

And no, the movie wasn't buggy whip propaganda either.
