I loved it

There was something strangely intriguing about the main character "Marnie", and the entire movie as a whole. Not much happens but it is highly entertaining. I give it 4 stars.


what sort of person would you recommned to see it? what made it entertaining


i would recommend someone in their 20's to watch it.

i'll tell you what. i know a girl who works with orangutans at the zoo. they put tv's in front of the cages and show tapes of jane goodall and sigourney weaver hanging with primates. the orangutans watch the tv screens and are mesmerized by it.

this movie acts in a very similar way. granted, you have to be an 'orangutan' to really get it.


I'm 16 and I loved it too. I'm not sure if it was exactly very entertaining but like snoopcat said, for some reason, I found it to be very intriguing.

They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life ...
-Mr. Grimm


In general it's an interesting story ... The generation of useleess youngsters was captured very well , ridiculous conversations made by inteligent people, who for some weird reasons can't find enough courage to make their lives dynamic and exciting - they prefer 'day after day' style, which makes them stuck in a moment.

I abolutely love MARNIE, amazingly played by Kate Dollenmayer. As the tagline says she's looking for temporary job , but permanent boyfriend ... she has no idea in which way push her life, has lots of collegues, but I wouldn't call them friends - they party together, know each other from school, know when someone is losing a job or getting married , but again Marnie doesn't feel strong connection with them , she is awfully in love and is desired by warmheart geek - Mitchel, who seems to be the only person who really want to find a way to her.


I'm a baby boomer and I loved this film too, although I had to watch it twice to appreciate it. I could really identify with the awkward meandering conversations, the emotional confusion, and the impulsive behavior I saw on screen. OK, maybe these kids did seem less articulate than my peers were at that age but at least they're spared a lot of the pretentious nonsense that passed for "insight" back when I was in college in the early 70's. I loved Kate Dollenmayer and I'm looking forward to seeing another film by Andrew Bujalski. Technically, I found I could live with the camera work but it's too bad about the sound, sometimes I just couldn't pick up on the dialogue.


I loved it too. Marnie is such an intriguing character. I couldn't get enough of her. Has certain re-watchability.

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"
