'Lord of the Flies' parody?

Has anyone read William Golding's "Lord of the Flies"?
The ending here is luckily not tragic, but there appear to be a number of similarities in the major themes explored - primitivism vs. civilization, the breakdown of order etc.



Ernest Hero, having read Lord of the Flies, and having it be one of my favorite books, i have to disagree with you on that one. This movie is about family bonding first and foremost if you want to get technical with theme... breakdown of civilization comes further down the list of minor themes. Although I see where you are coming from, there is the whole "rite of passage" plot line....

whisper words of wisdom, let it be.


Haha, that's what I thought too when I was reading LOTF.


When I first saw this movie, I was actually student teaching a 10th grade class and they were reading Lord of the Flies, so I had it on the brain, and I definitely saw the connection. In fact, I showed the movie to the class (for an easy day :) ) and asked them to come up with parallels. Something else that I showed is the episode of Spongebob Squarepants called "Club Spongebob."
Even if they aren't a direct parody of Lord of the Flies, it is undeniable that some of the ideas are taken from Golding's text.


Ha, I actually did think of Lord of the Flies near the end when Ren was trying to "kill" Louis. There are similar themes.
