MovieChat Forums > Catwoman (2004) Discussion > Is there any mention of Batman?

Is there any mention of Batman?

Or other references the Thd Batman oniverse?

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Not at all, this movie was a mindless hollywood shallow attampt to cash in on sex appeal. I can't believe this film had a 100m budget. Looks like they wasted a whole lot of it that should have been spent else where.


Yes. He's a major character in the movie.


You really are not that smart are you?  There was no mention of Batman at all in this movie.


No mention of Batman but theres a reference to Catwoman from Batman Returns


I thought it was a crappy mention seeing as this abomination of a film is a disgrace to the name "Catwoman" that Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman from Batman Returns shouldn't have any ties to it.


I believe it could be perceived as either an homage or reference. Could even be just an easter egg. I only saw it as a reference because of the similarities between Selina Kyle dying and Patience Phillips dying. Being surrounded by cats before abruptly opening their eyes and living again. Could Tim Burton have meant to give a supernatural feel to Selina Kyle? Who knows. Maybe Patience was granted cat-like abilities and Selina was granted 9 lives (she fell out of a building window and landed on her back, she was thrown off a rooftop, fell from the sky into a greenhouse, she was shot 4 times and then electrocuted but still survived). Maybe all the cat women are granted different abilities. Im not saying Catwoman is a spin off of Batman Returns but perhaps they can exist in the same universe.


Oh please... If what you are saying that this is an elseworlds tale (Stories which take place outside the DC Universe canon) for this movie and they try to slip in Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman from Batman Returns as a homage, reference or Easter Egg and saying they can exist in the same universe then they really did a piss poor job at that. The bad stunt work, the bad dialogue and instead of trying to create a plausible environment or ground the characters and events or build around any sort of strong core concept, the movie has just gotten more absurd and less coherent. I based this on my understanding of what Elseworlds looks like as I happen to own a majority of the Elseworlds comic book collection. I can say for sure that this abomination of a film is a disgrace to the name "Catwoman", to Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman character from Batman Returns and the Elseworlds comics... so nice try.
