National Health

Midway through the movie, a doctor is complaining to Haigh "Bloody National Health nonsense, going to put good doctors out of business". How appropriate. I guess US medical care is going to end up in the toilet just like in the UK.


Medical Care in the UK is hardly 'in the toilet'. The British National Health Service provides some of the best health care in the world to everyone for free.

Unlike the US where medical care is driven by making profit from those who can afford it and which condemns the significant proportion of its citizens who can't afford it, or whose medical history has made them unprofitable, to a public/charity system that would be shameful in a Thirld World country.

Don't believe the propoganda and lies about the British NHS - speak to someone who has experienced it.


Yes I agree and to help here is a useful link on the matter: s-experience-of-britains-healthcare-system/


glyn-35, there's the world of difference between 'free at the point of service' and 'free.' The NHS is not by any means free.

As to the US system, my brother fell ill and had to be admitted to a Los Angeles hospital overnight, for which he got a bill of $24,000. However, because his income at the time was less than $80,000 (or some such figure), the bill was withdrawn in its entirety and borne by the hospital. Now, $80,000 a year is not exactly a breadline income, which means free care is available if necessary to a lot of people.

To use your own words, Don't believe the propoganda and lies about the American medical system.


LouisRenault. No-one I have been acquainted with - family, friends, etc - who have ever been in hospital have never paid for the NHS service, and were not faced with a bill to be waived because of their economic circumstance in any case. Yes, we pay taxes that go towards paying for it, yet it's a minuscule amount for the excellent treatment we receive. Besides, what has this got to do with a TV show? Remember, this discussion was started by an American who thought they'd throw the same old anti-English insults at us - the NHS being a rather feeble excuse to do so. What next? Oh yes, you saved our asses during the war, etc. Not only is that total garbage it's soooooo boring. Yawn. Please, change the record, we've heard it all before. Still, I suppose that's what you get from believing the stereotypical view of the world that Hollywood and your biased media feed you - no doubt to sooth your rather gung ho brows and reassure you that you're the greatest people to ever walk the Earth, blah, blah, blah. Believe me you're the only ones who think so.


Wow. I know you made this post nearly six years ago but I'm amazed that your brother got his bill waived. Perhaps California laws are different than other states. My doctors haven't waived any bills for my family and we make considerably less than your brother. My children have chronic asthma so maybe I should move to California! Luckily, we have insurance but still, the medical bills can get high for a family with health care problems.


OP can keep his right wing propaganda to himself instead of spreading lies.

Its that man again!!
