iv found a BURN IT forum, make a post on it, if they see there is enough fans sure to god the'll get the dvd out, fingers crossed x
heres the link http://www.redproductioncompany.com/forum/forum_burnit.asp


I've kinda given up hope of there been a dvd, I've been waiting for ages. I posted on them forums, emailed them and then they told me it might be better to put it in writing and I did and I haven't heard anything back, they're fooking twats


have you tryed the red production forum?
heres the link,make a post maybe theyll see how many fans its got and put it on
dvd,fingers crossed.



Yep, I posted there, I even printed it off and sent it when I wrote to them


thats crap,iam not going to give up,well not for the time being going to keep cheaking on reds produtions forum etc. keep each other posted if there is any news okay.


thats what i meant to ask you, how do you get the smilly face on your text??


Yeah, I'll let ya know when I hear anything.
For the smilies you just click on the link that says markup enabled when you post a reply and it shows you what to write for the face, I hope you understand what I mean lol.
