About their dresses...

Am I the only one who thinks their dresses are the most awesome things EVER? I have a Ralph Lauren dress similar to the ones in the movie in style, fit, etc. (that 50's housewife look) and I've gotten sooo many compliments on it. I've had two people say I looked like a Stepford wife, haha. Although they're brianwashed robots, I still take that as a compliment. =]

Just wondering.


--And here. we. GO!--


I loved their dresses also! They were very pretty and if I could ever find any I would wear them, definitely.

"I get all tingly when you take control like that." -Dean Winchester


I loved their dresses also! They were very pretty and if I could ever find any I would wear them, definitely.
Try the J. Peterman website. They make a lot of vintage inspired dresses.

You could also look for Lilly Pulitzer dresses on ebay. (They're too expensive, otherwise.) Some of them are very femme, and floral.



I totally agree. I love their dresses! They're so pretty and elegant looking. As bad as this might sound - I would love to be a Stepford Wife. Minus the whole robot thing! :). Haha.

In Omnía Paratus


I know what you mean! I want to be a stepford wife as well without having to be a robot or give up my idependance, what mean is I like the idea of women being women without having to sacfice it as they climb the ladder


I was just watching this last night and thinking how much I'd love to live in Stepford, in that house, looking like that and with those clothes.

Although not so much with the robot brain and having to wait on my husband hand and foot. That wouldn't be so much fun. But living there would be!

Imagine a place where the fridge told you you need milk, and you can pop out and get whatever you wanted and leave your door open!

Justice for the 96
-15th April 1989



I totally agree. I love their dresses! They're so pretty and elegant looking. As bad as this might sound - I would love to be a Stepford Wife. Minus the whole robot thing! :). Haha.

You are not alone! I loved them too! And, I think that minus the whole being a robot thing, I too would love to be a Stepford wife. I mean, what's wrong with making a home beautiful, gardening, baking, and being happy while doing it? What's wrong with good manners? What's wrong with actually trying to be ladies and gentlemen? This generation could definitely use a lesson in manners!! And, while I wouldn't want to be bossed around and taken for granted by my spouse, doing nice things for him or her is another matter entirely. People should be pleased to be able to serve the ones they love---but, it shouldn't be demanded, it should be something we just are happy to do for each-other.

And, aside from the obvious robot/brainwash thing, the only thing I think is really wrong with this movie is that it highlights the fact that people think there is something wrong with that kind of clean-cut style and friendly behavior. Or else, there would be no reason for people to be turned into robots in order to behave that way---they would just do it on their own accord---WITHOUT feeling like they had to sacrifice their real selves to do it. Cause for something like 2 or 3 generations now, our real selves (though not everyone) have just lost it...

I am the movies I love! (^_^)


Totally agree! I'd love to be a Stepford wife! just you know, not a robot and still a total career woman


I know! The dresses are so amazing and beautiful. I'd love to live somewhere with pretty houses and everything, but Stepford seems to be in the middle of nowhere. I would probably never dress like that everyday, since looking perfect (perfect clothes, hair and makeup) can be very tiring. It's still fun to dress up like that ones in a while though.


I totally agree with you girls , I didn't like the movie for showing "something wrong " with having clean pleasant houses , pretty well groomed looks , and loving your partner & children ..I am not much into family life , but the only reason I am not into it pis wishing to have that perfect stepford wife life style & wardrobe ;) minus the bossing around ..Knowing I could never have what I want ...So single and bearing with the cons of it ...:/


What about single people living in Stepford? I would love it!



The movie wasnt great but its worth watching only for the wardrobes & house interior glimpses. All the female actors in the film look absolutely gorgeous!
