What is that??!!??!!

Right at 14:20 when they show the huge housing division that has been built at the other side of the hedge, there is something in the top left section of the screen. Almost looks like a witch fighting a dinosaur? Maybe my imagine is getting the best of me though. What is it?


Not sure. I am looking at it right now (with 720p too), but it isn't clear enough. Looks like it could be two giant balloons like at the end... maybe a wizard and something with a tail? I just looked at the end, and I think it is those two balloons - a jester and a knight.

Not sure why they're in the beginning though.



Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


never noticed, must check as I have an HD recording

edit: one is the jester balloon that Vincent uses to fly ionto the garden
