MovieChat Forums > The Great Raid (2005) Discussion > The last 'Pro-American' Film to be made?

The last 'Pro-American' Film to be made?

With the recent onslaught of anti-American (and quite boring) morally "ambiguous" films like "Rendition" and "Redacted" (Nice to know we have a bunch of geniuses trying to look sophisticated naming war movies like that) I truly believe that The Great Raid will be one of the last few pro-American or pro-war movies to be made, considering Hollywood is no longer interested in portraying Americans as the 'good guys' or an oppressed people (in this case, Filipinos) rising up and fighting a brutal tyrannical enemy (the Japs). It showed quite accurately the brutality of the Japanese soldiers (very similar to Al Quaeda and just as brutal as the Nazis).

This movie was far from perfect. It's somewhat tedious, and extremely boring in the early parts. The story telling was quite mediocre for a real life event that should have been exciting and compelling on screen. But it really should be appreciated as a film that told a little know story of heroism. It's nice to know we had some real Americans back then willing to fight for something greater than themselves.

The whole world owes the Filipinos and Americans a debt of gratitude. I hope they make a movie about the Abu Sayaff, a bunch of Islamic radicals terrorizing the Southern Philippines next. Or would that be too offensive to Islam?


So basically you are a racist?


Possibly a realist & an idealist?


Curious...what makes jogar084 a racist?


absolutely nothing, he is not a racist. 4RizzalmyNizzal is just turning his head in the other direction when it comes to islamic extremism. Also, 4RizzalmyNizzal, don't give us that same BS that "not everyone is a terrorist" speech. DUH! I have spoken to very few, if any, who think islam is evil. It's the extreme fundamentalist groups that threaten western style civilization, not islam or all of its people. Then again its not a very small group either, they are all around the world, I think that's why so many people fear the spread of extremist groups.


So basically you are a reactionary retard?


your comment is outrageous. Just because a film is not pro american it doesn't make it morally ambiguous. Are you actually ripping the piss? I also believe that for an american to compare al quaeda to the Nazis is just letting their emotions rum away with themselves. I am no more in favour of that terrorist network than the next fella but i mean come on. It's easy to turn a blind eye to the Americans preaching freedom to the world yet extraditing 'suspects' to foreign countries with lesser respect for human rights than themselves, without any attempt to even charge them with a crime.
I think your comment is intentionally inflammatory.

profanum vulgus nos mirare


I also believe that for an american to compare al quaeda to the Nazis is just letting their emotions rum away with themselves.

I believe that there are orders of magnitude difference between al qaeda & islam. How is it overly emotional to criticise al qaeda?



Amen to that brother.



1) I COMPLETELY agree with the OP. My dad always said that.

2) He is in no way racist. You are ridiculous.

3) Al Queda and the Nazi's can definitely be compared. Both were extremist groups who believe killing other people in the name of their religion is okay.


And they both kind of dislike(d) Jews.


I liked this movie although I felt it could have been a bit better. It certainly did portray the Japanese as brutal which they were. They were horrible to the American soldiers.

This movie was a great portrayal of the bravery and compassion the American soldiers had in spite of their horrible treatment.

Japan told their soldiers that if the Americans caputured them..........they would be brutalized and tortured. When Japanese soldiers were captured by the US, they were shocked at how well the Americans treated them.

It is true that there are not many positive American movies released these days. Unfortunately, there are people in the US who enjoy bashing and putting down the US.


Talk about blowing things out of proportion!

Lets start with death tolls after say 15 years.

Nazis ... at least 10,000,000 people

Al Queda ... who knows ... say 20,000
