I met Sharon Stone

My watercolor paintings were rented by the producers for the purpose of the movie "A different Loyalty". The movie features the life of the famous double agent spy, Kim Philby and his wife, during the 60's in Beirut, Lebanon. Sharon Stone plays the role of the wife who was a painter. I am of Lebanese origin and I currently live in Montreal. My watercolors reflect sceneries of Beirut, Lebanon. About a dozen are displayed in the Beirut home of the agent and his wife. Some other middle eastern items from my home were used to decorate the interior of their dwelling in the Beirut portion of the movie. I was invited to attend a shooting segment in Montreal and I was introduced to Sharon Stone. Aside from the fact that she is a beautiful woman, she is a wonderful person who noticed my presence since I was not part of the filming crew. She approached me and talked to me with such simplicity and friendliness that it felt as though she was a friend. I was very impressed. I got her autograph. You can see my paintings at the following website: http://www.total.net/~kwa



well i was one of the extras when she was filming in Malta. Maybe it was the Summer heat but she seemed rather cranky. After each take she sought refuge in her airconditioned private tent (while the rest of the crew festered in the heat) followed by a mastodon (her bodyguard). Before filming I was instructed to cross her path and during actual filming i acidentally brushed her straw hat. After the take the mostodon approached me and said that the first brush was on me but the second would be on him, which I interpreted as a jocous threat (if there can be one). Although it wasnt Sharon who told me so it shows what type of people surround her and the power relations that exist on a film set. The actors at the top and the extras way down the scale (reminiscent of the feudal age). To hell envying "Winnyk" for having her autograph. I'm not even sure a puny being such as I is worthy of envying a megasuperstar such as Ms. Stone.

By the way she's way shorter in real life and no I didn't get to see her punani.


I too met Sharon Stone on the set of "A Different Loyalty". She weirded me out. I can only describe it as spacey. I've heard that she's really smart and I have no memories suggesting otherwise, but her sense of humor is a real turn off. She and Rupert Everett were chatting it up on set and Sharon would laugh at the strangest things. Rupert's quizzical reactions were priceless.


i met sharon stone on the set of 'the specialist', which is also the old set of miami vice and a bunch of other movies/tv. etc. whatever, because i worked there. anyway, it was pretty hot out so she was sipping a diet coke and fanning herself with a piece of paper near the catering table. i was over there picking pieces of watermelon out of the fruit salad bowl and she remarked 'wow is it hot!'
it was insane.
true story.


That's amazing, 'cause I met her on the set of Deadly Blessing, which was shot in Texas. She was at the crafts table drinking Tab all day. Every once in a while, she would say, "*beep*, it's hot!" Everybody pretty much ignored her, until Wes Craven said, "Too hot for some punani action? My trailer is air conditioned." The rest, of course, is history.


am i the only person who hasn't met Sharon Stone? I'm so cool.


No, you're not, I haven't either and I'd love to :) I'd have a few smart questions to ask... But judging from those who have met her, she doesn't like heat very much :)

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.


If you are someone with money and affluence, she is more apt to be a little friendlier I suppose because they way she treated her personal assistant and my crew when we were cleaning her Spanish Trails home, she is nothing but a spoiled , uppity snot and I walked out of the job because of it. It was during the filming of Casino. If I posted what I truly thought of her, they would just delete it because of the language. She treated and talked to her assistant and the 3 of us cleaning her home like we were something she scraped off the bottom of her shoe. When our boss told us we were getting her house , I asked if I could go on the crew that cleaned Robert De Niros or Joe Pescis residences. Nope. I was quite disappointed and when I would see her doing any charity work for children or those less fortunate, I would laugh because I know now ashe really looks down her nose at the less fortunate. Do you remember what her husband said when he divorced her / That he was tired of being Mr. Sharon Stone. I'm sure he was sick and tired of all the me, me, me, of it. Good luck to her child. Now, I saw this with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, I was standing in her kitchen 3 feet away from her at times after she got home that day so I know what I saw and heard.


tried to view your painting but i got

You don't have permission to access /~kwa on this server.

perhaps it's conceptual?



I had to check to be sure.

But, I guess I did too, I had to dig through my tape archives but I interviewed her about "Basic Instinct".

God, I look about 24! Wow, I had no grey in my hair either!! haha


I remember one time Sharon and I were in bed and after 2 hours of intense passion she looked at me and said- " phew !! it's so hot in here".
