Is this any good?

Can anyone really recommend this to me? It looks interesting and features some of my favourite actors. It's good to see Cameron Bancroft in a main role, following his wicked performance in personal fave,"Just One of the Girls" (aka Anything for Love). I love that movie.

I usually don't like TV movies, but is this one good?



personally i got confused and bored. but my brother thought it was excellent. but hey i'm 12!


I watched it last night and I found it pretty good.

I was mainly watching it for some info on what actually happened, when i found it was a movie style more than a documentary I didnt mind because its done in a very good way. It really makes you think about the different peoples situations and how much money they lost personally.

His strngth is a legend his skill conquers all


I love this film. Definitely worth watching.Especially with Christian Kane as the lead - gorgeous!!!

“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” – Kurt Cobain


Low budget in all areas. The doco 'Smartest guys in the room' has more suspense and is expertly put together. Forget this opportunist buck making rubbish.


It was hard to feel sympathy for the main characters,they came across as vacuous materialistic worms. You don't care about them at all.

The 'Star Wars' analogy the narrator used at the end seemed so pathetically clichéd I actually burst out laughing.

Brian Dennehy was good, but then again, he's always good.

skizziks spelled backwards is skizziks


Eh, I'd give this 2 stars at best. Brian Denehy and Christian Kane were good, but the script was weak and too much screen time was given to the wooden, untalented Shannon Elizabeth who came across less like a concerned girlfriend and more like a wet blanket.

I'd rather have seen how the fall of Enron affected the regular employees and retirees who lost their life savings instead of little Debbie Downer when she made her pouty face whenever Brian bought anything new. Honestly, is it really such a big deal when a man making a six figure income buys a new TV?
