Song help

What is the name of the song that is playing when Donnie and Stuntman race and Kid beats them both? It goes "My son ine day will rise, beyond your city backdrop, above your smoggy skies.... I have been set free, i have taken flight because there is a king in me.And i wanna FFFFLLLLLLYYYYYY " What is that song?


"Flying High"


Sorry wink5x, u not right. The song is from David Ryan Harris and its name is "King in me".
Although never released on any David R. Harris's album (except Biker Boyz OST), there is still possible to download it for free from singer's fan page.
Check this link:



Im not sure if you are still looking for thsi song or not, but the song is called King in Me by David Ryan Harris.

I searched EVERYWHERE for that song and finally found it.

Look under the "Buy music directly from artist" section.

Good luck!
