The Book

Has anyone here read the novel? I'm desperately trying to find a copy, but it's proving to be near impossible... They dont' seem to have it anywhere, not even on Ebay... :/ does anyone know where I might be lucky enough to grab a copy?



Have you tried your local library? They offer intra library loans, where books from your library are loaned to other libraries. So if you asked for the book at your library, and they don't have it, they can look up other libraries, see which have it, and send out a request for it.

Cats don’t come when called. They take a message and get back to you later.


try amazon or

One or both will have it


ooh i just checked there and found it on abebooks. Thanks

Geoffrey Rush = Incredible
"Pritchett was right, the house is alive" - House on Haunted Hill 1999
