Kissenger? Right.....

Why not the Trials of Sadam Hussein or the trials of Kim Jong Il? These folk really have killed historical retrospect all Kissenger and the Nixon white house did was 'nudge' a Military Coup to stop a Communist government from taking power. It was the height of the cold war -- you think once in power a Communist government would let itself get elected out? They'd purge the Army and the Judges and stock both with party members, the Soviet Bloc expands. Lefty's always forget that Communists were all to happy to 'elect' themselves into power in developing nations.


lefty righty lefty righty.

Kissinger was an intelligent, power-drunk advisor. He broke the law. Many times. If it it bad for Communist governments to break the law, it is bad for advisors in 'democratic' governments to break the law. Road to hell, buddy.


not to mention that there ARE a million documentaries on every cable news network about Kim Jong Il and Saddam Hussein and every other 'baddie' out there - but very few about our pedestal people.


You continue leading your mainstream, mass-media-dominated little life and believe what you hear. Remember, history is written by those who have won the war. News is written by those who make money from creating a "bad guy". Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Bin Laden, Castro... as long as there is a "pure evil" then, by process of elimination, the president of the U.S. (especially) will be the default good guy.

~faith in chaos~


While I'm admittedly a bit of a Kissinger fan, it wasn't just a nudge in Chile; there was a covert CIA campaign in the country for almost 20 years.

The film doesn't make a very good case for criticism, however. Covert action is complicated; the "illegal = bad" refrain works in the suburbs but not always in international relations.


Well now that we've heard from Machiavelli...


Saddam Hussein was executed. We already know dictators are evil but US isn't suppose to be on that level. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.Also are you forgetting who put Saddam Hussein into power? Also who ignored him when he used chemical/nerve agents on Iran and the kurds? Iran even tried to call for US,Britain,etc to condemn the actions of Iraq. But he was an ally and it didn't matter until he turned his back on the US and attempted an oil grab in Kuwait. Most developing countries were forced to adopt a US dictator or communist one. They should have had the opportunities to make their own choices.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.



"nudge" a coup? Did you actually watch the film? The White House and CIA were the coup!
1) First they murder a leading member of the military and defender of the Chilean constitution and democracy, a father and husband who never did anything to any yanqui. They send out the hit and have him gun down in the street like the gangsters they are your Nixon and Kissinger.
2) Then with Schneider out the way they bribe other army officers with cash (10 million available at least) and tell them they can rule like they want to. They will be patriots they say but really they became murderers.

Apparently it's only democracy when we vote for your guy.

