Disney hoping to make a shared universe for Pirates of the Caribbean

Complete with ten more films and a television series.



a little late for that... everyone wants on the shared universe gravy train these days


Yeah tell me about it. We almost got a Dracula spinoff about Renfield. Renfield!!!


so frustrating. Not everything needs to be a shared universe. Marvel worked great but man, they gotta stop worrying about making 10 movies at once and focus on making one good solid movie first.


Oh for fuck's sake, let the Pirates franchise die!

It was fun for a while, but you dips at Disney beat it into the ground ten years ago.


I don't even dislike the last two movies but clearly the audience isn't there anymore. The last one underperformed. Unless they get someone like Travis Knight to pull another Bumblebee, I don't see any of this actually happening.


Agree. I did NOT like the 2nd two movies so never watched anything after. It had it's fun; Johnny Depp catapulted that movie into iconic status but that was 20 years ago now and it doesn't have the same star power it did. The gags are old it's time to move on.
