who was Zipfer?

Who exactly was Zipfer (the older man who drove Hans to the party and brought the Absinthe)?

Obviously he knew Hilde from Cafe where her and Elli used to go.
Was he a friend of Gunther's parents?

I think it's a bit creepy that he was hanging out with teenagers - he looks about 50 years old!


I think he had something to do with Hans and maybe Hilde and Gunther knew him through Hans, first when he was dating Gunther and then with Hilde going to the Mokka Efti to meet with Hans. I also thought it was very disgusting to see him at the party, but the good thing is that they never portrayed him trying to get near a girl or doing something disgusting. Also what I think that had much todo was that there were no bars or clubs directed for teens, right? So the whole idea of partying with the adults was more normal than now. Well that's just my theory... hope it helps.

the punishment is that you can never forget that one moment...


The director mentions in his commentary that this character was based on a real person. Obviously, that guy was a man who was a little bit strange in that he liked to hang around with the younger crowd. He probably liked the fun and carefreeness of youth and went along with kids, whenever he could. Of course, having a car and having access to absinthe helped him get accepted by the crowd. con Borries does not mention any sexual motives. He says that the guy was simply a little bit strange.


i was left with the impression that his purpose was to demonstrate that even though he was older, he still desired the same things that the group shared. the carefrree nature and excitement of youth. he drives a cool car and drinks absinthe, suggesting he is attempting to hang on to his youth. he's experienced everything they have and now, at his age, he understands the games they play and the motivation behind them, as he repeatedly points out to hilde. he is aware that she is afraid to love due to fear of exposing her vulnerability, he explains this to her and she just doesnt get it, or is offended to hear the truth.
