What was Paul's question

what do you think Paul's question for the Horoscope machine was?


I would say it got something to do with Hilde, we know from the start that he says that he was looking forward to the weekend to see her more than to be with his friends. I can definately say that he asked if he was loved by her, or if they would have a great love or something.

the punishment is that you can never forget that one moment...


Yeah. I have always thought that he asked if he'd have a chance with Hilde. That makes sense when you hear her response, and why Paul gets angry.


Paul's question, directed to Hilde: "Will I love longer than you?"


We can never be sure what he asked but what I'm sure of is I wanted to throw the machine to Hilde's face. Paul was sooo blinded by his attraction to Hilde and I was really hoping he would change his mind after that part.
