MovieChat Forums > Gin gwai (2002) Discussion > Movies scarier than this

Movies scarier than this

By far the eye has been the scariest movie i have ever seen. Can someone recommend a movie better than this. Bloody scenes dont really scare me, im more into the supernatural/thinking movies.

Thanks in advance.


i agree, bloody and gory stuff can only be scary if it has happened or could happen (texas chainsaw massacre, or silence of the lambs)

you have probably already seen the ring,but if you havent, see it, it is one of the best movie plots i have ever come across. though it isnt veyr scary, at least not the second, or third, or fourth, or fifth times (i watched it more)

blair witch project is very scary, you should definetly see it. report back and say if you thouhgt it was!



i can definitly recomend the movie The shutter, which is from Thailand i think. That movie just blowed my mind. I love the eye, and i thinks it might be one of the scariest movies i seen, but now The shutter is definitly a good competitor. Doesnt seem to be so well nown though, but it definitly deserves recognition


Thanks alot emilsandgren666, The shutter is not as good as the eye, but is pretty damn good.


i can definitly recomend the movie The shutter, which is from Thailand i think. That movie just blowed my mind. I love the eye, and i thinks it might be one of the scariest movies i seen, but now The shutter is definitly a good competitor. Doesnt seem to be so well nown though, but it definitly deserves recognition

I second that. I loved The Shutter.

My list:

The Shutter
Kairo / Pulse
The Eye
A Tale of Two Sisters

I'd like to recommend these as well:

Memories of Murder
Another Heaven
A Bittersweet Life


If you are looking for a good ghost story, try The Changeling with George C. Scott. One of the best I've ever seen, little gore more scare and visuals.


Speaking from a Singaporean point of view - Singapore provided a good portion of the main cast, and it was one of the first locations the film was released in - I think it is interesting to note that locally The Eye was not regarded as a very good movie. When it was released, it was almost universally panned by critics and viewers alike. In fact, the movie only did so well at the box office because everyone wanted to see for themselves just how bad a horror movie with Singaporean actors, most of whom have the acting ability and onscreen presence of a large block of wood, could possibly be. (It was probably the film's financial success that spurred the directors to make two more sequels, the Eye 2 and the Eye 10, each more farcical than the last.) I myself have not seen the movie, but my friends who have tell me that it confirmed their worst suspicions, and halfway through they gave up trying to get any kicks out of it and began treating the whole thing more like a bad joke than a horror film (and found it much more enjoyable after that). So you can imagine my surprise when I found American audiences describing the Eye with words like "the scariest movie I have ever seen" and "an awesome scary unique piece". For a while I actually wondered whether it was the same film we were talking about.

I guess maybe it's because us Asians are spoilt when it comes to horror movies. Most of us grew up watching late-night Chinese vampire flicks on TV, and we get to see so many Korean and Japanese horror films in the cinema that it gets to the point when they're not even interesting or remotely frightening anymore. To most of the West, more used to gibbering zombies than freaky long-haired girls crawling out of wells, even substandard pretenders to the Asian horror-film throne like the Eye might seem completely terrifying. Of course, this is just the opinion of a guy who's never even bothered to watch the movie he's talking about. Is this truly the case? Please discuss.


forgive me if i havent noticed some one type this yet... but.. are we forgetting the Ju-ons, girls and boys? asian films reviews, and more!



Nah, I have to agree with you. I, an American, didn't think "the Eye" was frightening in the least. The two protaganists were poor actors, the woman's acting being almost laughable. I started to even get bored with the plot after about halfway through the movie. Perhaps watching the "Sixth Sense" years before watching this film made it easy to predict but I experienced no surprise when the audience found out that the woman was seeing ghosts. I even caught a drift of the "Mothman Prophecies" (argh! that movie was a joke) towards the end with the catastrophe.

When it comes to horror movies only the paranormal scare me, never gore. I've watched gore movies like all the "Evil Dead" films and the Peter Jackson film "Dead Alive". Those films are more comedy than horror, to be honest. I liked American horror films like "The Exorcist", "the Ring", and even the "Blair Witch Project". I HATED "the Grudge" and "Dark Water". What a waste of film.

Although I haven't seen many American films with zombies (except for "28 Days Later" which I unexpectedly thought was an excellent film) I do think that you asians are spoiled over there. Or perhaps it isn't that you are more spoiled but that your ideas of horror are so different than ours that Americans are caught off-guard. What may be unoriginal to you is completely original for
American film...although I can't really say that much for "the Eye".

That movie just plain sucked.


I just love the ending in Shutter! Its so heavy. Talk about avenging ghost. But my absolute favourite when it comes to asian horror is of course Ringu, which in my oppinion is a far better and scarier film than the american remake The Ring (even though I kinda liked The Ring too, at least on first viewing). If U liked Ringu and The Ring I can recommend the korean remake Ring Virus. Ring Virus is a good example of how to completely fail to make a movie scary. Its really quite funny to see how the korean director chose to redo some of the scenes. See it if ur interested in asian horror, but dont expect to be scared :)


I knew what was coming at the end in Shutter and it stilled scared the hell outta me. The rest wasn't all that scary though.


Sorry to correct but 28 days later is not an american movie it's british



Interesting indeed, thanks for that input.


Agreed, Dark Water and Tale of Two Sisters are excellent films. I even liked the original "Ju On: The Grudge" better than the American. But The Eye is very visceral and probably one of the scariest films I have seen in years! You may also want to check out "Phone" and "Audition". Audition is brutal.

There is some great horror coming out from Asia and Europe, I can't wait to see what they've got in store for us next!


Shutter is the scariest i've ever seen


the eye was excellent

evil dead trap, asian, i liked too
dead end, north american
r point, asian
dead friend, asian
whispering corridors 1 and 2, asian
koma, asian
in the mouth of madness, american

emm, these r just as good, some r better




AUDITION (not for people with weak stomachs :-) )


* Ju-On, all five of them (including the american one).
The most scary of them is The Grudge 2, the Japanese one, IMO, and there's plenty of scenes in Grudge 1 the japanese version that is scarier than the american one, although the american Grudge is one of the better remakes I have seen.

Loads of sublimal "w-t-f was that" in all of them, including the original tv movies (The Curse 1/2). I barely dared to stay home alone after seeing the first Ju-On The Grudge Japanese version... and I am 28 and pretty blunt against horror movies.

* The Ring, the american version. Neither Ringu or Ringu 2 effected me at all, but the american The Ring kept me up for 3 days... Ringu 0 had at least one scene that gave me the creeps though.


The first Ju-On scared me to death...It took me a long time to get over it (and Toshio still creeps me out)

The tv movies aren't bad either, but they are nowhere near as scary as ju-on:the grudge.

See! It is a teakettle!


Agreed, Ju-on: The Grudge 2 fvcked me up. The wig scene and the scene at the hospital are the most unsettling I ever sat through. I watched it around 4:30am, with headphones on.

After the wig scene, I wanted to go to the bathroom but I was still.. so unsettled/disturbed by that scene that I kept thinking about it. I actually felt scared. Thankfully, my dad woke up to go to the bathroom, I could tell because the lights were on. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to because I was too frightened.

Good movie, wouldn't watch it again by myself at night anymore.


If you want a thinker/supernatural horror without gore, try out Jacob's Ladder if you haven't seen it.


Agreeing with liedtkedrew here. Jacob's Ladder is a great movie.
