premiered in Cardiff

According to Darkhorizons The i Inside was screened at the Cardiff film festival and Roland Suso Richter was in attendance. From what I hear it got a good reception. What I dont understand is they are saying it is hard to market. Its written by the writer of identity and that can be used to its advantage.

a trailer could be like so.

From the man who brought you identity and the studio that brought you the scream movies. '

-Clips and such

Ryan Phillipe
Piper Perabo
stephen Rea
Sarah Pollley
Stephen Lang
-The i inside

Its a basic idea and has a taughtly written script it could have good success in theatres.

Know life, No limits...


really?? thats cool!! i just hope it hurries up and comes out soon!! i REALLY want to see it!! :)

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