Arucard? Lol

Wonder if anyone lese noticed this? Just finished watching the series and at was looking for the actor who voiced Commander Peter Fargason (loved his voice) adn i notice a typo. At the head of the credits it says "Arucard" instead of "Alucard". lol.

Makes his name just a little cutsie.

Is this typo all the way through the series or just the last disc? Eps 10, 11, 12 and 13?


It's not really a typo, not technically. It's just that there is no difference between the r and l sounds in the japanese language. Since they are the same they share the same kana letters. Therefore when translating the romaji verson of the name to english you can write it as Arucard, Alucald, Arucald, or Alucard.

However, since it is suppose to be Dracula spelled backwards then the correct spelling should be Alucard in english.

Just wanted to let you know where that spelling of the name comes from.

"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel


Notice they they add a 'g' to the end of Anderson in the episodes he's in too.
Definitely converted from Japanese dub names.


I know this post is a little old but I wanted to put this link here:

It's Crispin Freeman (the English voice of Alucard) talking about why they used both Alucard and "Arucard" in the anime.

"I have NEEDS now, Alfred - dirty, horrible needs!" -- Batman


I know this is a bit of an old post but I'd personally pronounce it "Alucard" as the first ever use of "its Dracula backwards" as a name was used in Son Of Dracula - I'm going to bet my life on it that thats where the original writer got the name from (or someone else who made a subsequent Dracula movie after with that "disguise" on his name), so of course its Alucard.
