David Spade's eyeliner...

This movie was alright. Saw it once... don't plan on seeing it again. But, something about it just really got to me throughout the ENTIRE movie. Why on earth did they feel the need to put David Spade in EYELINER! That's just gross!
He's NOT that unattractive of a guy... but eyeliner almost makes him that way.
-just wanted to voice my opinion. ;)


David's not unattractive at all, but not many guys can pull off eyeliner. Ick.

C'mon Mikey, make me feel like a woman! Give me a nice wet lickery kiss!
-Gotta love Mouth!


yeah, i agree... SOME can actually (as gross as that is)... but HE is not one of those! ;)


haha does he really wear eyeliner? ive never caught that before. do you know what part its most obvious at?


i've never noticed it


yeah, what part can u see it most?


Ya know, I too noticed it, not knowing quite what it was....but it did detract from his image. Looked too fake, kinda Rocky Horror-ish.....
(it's throughout the movie)....


Yeah, that was freaky. You can notice it most towards the beginning of the film.


If you watch with David Spade and Fred Wolfe's commentary, David makes a comment on his eyeliner, I believe it is at the part after Grace sings him the lullaby and he is talking to the kids. It is either then, or when he is leaving to go live with the Finney's and is talking to Sidney about how good of an agent he is.

