About the story...

I couldn't help but react to our friend radiobirdma's review of this film.

I agree that the script was a little confusing because it was out of focus: the story really is about the social rehabilitation of a monster (Pellegrini), seen through the different phases of the process. While I haven't read Carlotto's novel, I was told that's what the story really is about, and I could feel it in the film, but also felt -- like many others, I'm sure -- that the result was kinda like a mish-mash of a few shorter films, or, better put, a TV drama in a couple of 30-minutes episodes. That, I believe, is why the film lacks homogeneity. Once you get over the "episodic" format -- hey, life sometimes seems or feels like that! -- you can start to enjoy a little more the big picture.

Anyway, that's my two-cents.


i don't know if you'll ever get this given the little to no activity there is here, but i still thought i'd react 'cause those episodes is what i love the most about the movie which is, to me, a movie about cinema. i mean, it starts like a history movie, followed by a detective story, a film noir, a gangster action flick, a romance, a psychological drama, a hitchcock-suspense film...and all in the darker, blackest ways ever.

i mean, when you direct a movie this way, this IS in itself a speech about cinema. when you get a dirty, rotten character through all the darkest paths in cinema history and there's no redemption possible, it is, to me, like saying "there's no way to make the movies i want. i have sharks like Giorgo around me all the time. No matter what i do, thriller, film noir or whatever, they get their way ANYWAY."

i mean, this is such a disenchanted movie (Robbie's cross drops in the end)...i just love it so so so much, it's just crazy how much i love it!

by the way, i'm not claiming that this is what Soavi was saying, i only saw Dellamorte Dellamore and Bloody Bird from him before AAC...but, this is really what i felt the first time i saw it...and it still is everytime i watch it!

so, just thought i'd share! :) (hope my english ain't too terrible by the way...if it is, please forgive me, i did my best.)


You got some interesting points here. Saw the film yesterday and did also notice some different genres (Gangster, Heist, psychological Thriller). Thanks for sharing.



